Michael Bohannan National University Domain B: ASSESSING STUDENT LEARNING
Assessing Student Learning Artifact: Student Focus Tool Artifact: Student Reading Interest Tool Artifact: Literature Review
TPE 2: Monitoring Student Learning During Instruction Use multiple measures for progress monitoring throughout instruction to determine whether all students, including English learners and students with special needs, are understanding content and making progress toward identified key concepts from state-adopted academic standards. Purposefully use ongoing multiple and, where appropriate, differentiated assessment options to collect evidence of individual and whole class learning, including performance-based real-world applications, questioning strategies, work samples and products. Anticipate, check for, and address common misconceptions and identified misunderstandings. Act upon the information gathered during instruction.
TPE 3: Interpretation and Use of Assessments Understand and use a variety of informal and formal summative assessments Understand the purposes and uses of different types of diagnostic instruments Use multiple measures, including information from families, to assess student knowledge, skills, and behaviors. Know when and how to use specialized assessments based on students’ needs. Know about and appropriately use informal classroom assessments and analyze student work as well as performance-based real-world applications of learning. Teach students how to use self-assessment strategies. Provide guidance and time for students to practice these strategies. Understand how to familiarize students with the format of state-adopted assessment program. Know how to accurately interpret assessment results of individuals and groups in order to develop and modify instruction. Able to explain, to students and to their families, student academic and behavioral strengths, areas for academic growth, promotion and retention policies, and how a grade or progress report is derived.
Author: Heather Wolpert-Gawron Source: Education Week Teacher PD Title: Classroom Assessments for a New Century October 12, 2010 Volume 4, Issue 01
Main IdeaSupporting Evidence Purposefully use ongoing multiple and, where appropriate, differentiated assessment options to collect evidence of individual and whole class learning, including performance- based real-world applications, questioning strategies, work samples and products. “Have students create an executive summary about a local cause…Their PR package then becomes its own assessment: a multi-genre piece of written fact, anecdote, visual guides and links.” (Wolpert-Gawron, p. 3) “Keep assignments open-ended so that students are allowed choice of presentation and format. Let them decide what strategies best define the project. Student choice is the best differentiation available” (Wolpert-Gawron, p. 3)
Main IdeaSupporting Evidence Teach students how to use self- assessment strategies Understand and use a variety of informal and formal summative assessments “Allow students to use their classroom tests formatively. Have them reflect on answers they missed by creating work portfolios. Have them record their reflections on why they answered how they did and why the correct answer is write. Have them describe their realizations in writing” (Wolpert- Gawron, p. 3) “When I plan my lessons, I begin with the list of new skills I want to teach and design assessments to match those skills. I then backward-plan the lessons to align them with the assessments. (Wolpert-Gawron, p. 2)
TPA Handbook retrieved from candidates.html candidates.html Gunning, T. G. (2009). Creating literacy instruction for all students. (7th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Wolpert-Gawron, H. (2010). Classroom assessments for a new century. Education Week Teacher PD, 04(01).