World Wide Journalism Today: Who are we? Round of presentation Expectations to this course My ideas for this course what do you think? Video: To be a journalist! Short presentation: The essence of journalism Assignment: Write – shorter is better
Round of presentations and expectations Who are we? Why are we here?
What I would like us to focus on: Journalism The basics News stories news determinants, news angles, the inverted-pyramid, leads Interview how to ask to get the best answer Write well write like a journalist Different models for telling a story
What I would like us to focus on: New media new journalism Which role do the media play today? User journalism social media and blogs International media how are they adapting?
What I would like us to focus on: Journalism as a tool Activism How can journalism be used as a tool to change the world? The use of journalism on the other side of the table the use of PR in companies and organizations
What I would like us to focus on: We are the media Production of journalism We make our own magazine
Other possible topics: Political Spin the story behind the story Feature writing journalism written as fiction The power of the media in different parts of the world different media systems … WHAT DO YOU THINK?
Life as a journalist in NY Video: eBwUS0
The Essence of Journalism Shorter is better Be precise don’t write five words if two is enough to tell the story To the point what is it you want people to know? Don’t write long leads without focus Catchy headlines a good headline is half a story Find the details that say it all
Six words say it all Ernest Hemmingway wrote this story and called it his best work: For sale: baby shoes, never worn.
How to write short Avoid clichés Kill your darlings DELETE!
Assignment 1 Describe this picture using no more than 100 words The picture: Anti-government protesters celebrate in Tahrir Square after the announcement of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's resignation in Cairo Feb. 11, 2011 Look for moods and details that tell the story show it don’t tell it!
Assignment 2 Describe yourself as a person using no more than 100 words We don’t need your life story, just important details that show us who you are
Asignmnet 3 Describe a room you know very well or a place here at Odder Højskole The reader should be able to picture the room or place in details when you are done