International Atomic Energy Agency Meeting Summary Technical meeting of the International Project on Demonstration of Operational and Long-Term Safety for Predisposal Management Facilities for Radioactive Waste (CRAFT Part II) Vienna 28 sept – 2 Oct 2015
International Atomic Energy AgencyProjects This technical meeting gathers experts from two IAEA Projects CRAFT Project (2010 – 2014) Complimentary Safety Reports, Development and Application to Waste Management Facilities INT9176 “Mediterranean” Project The CRAFT project provide a forum for application of the methodology and SAFRAN tool. Three test cases and a regulatory review document were elaborated. The “Mediterranean” project sustains the use of SAFRAN Tool for generic SC & SA of predisposal management of DSRS 2
International Atomic Energy Agency Objectives & Audience The purposes of this technical meeting are Discuss the harmonization of approaches to operational and long term safety in the predisposal management of radioactive waste, Provide a forum for the exchange of relevant experience among the Member States. 36 participants from 24 countries participate at this technical meeting hold in Vienna International Center (28 Sept – 2 Oct) 3
International Atomic Energy Agency Meeting Organization The meeting has been structured in order to promote discussions and exchanges between the experts. The first day was dedicated to general presentations of CRAFT & “Mediterranean” Projects mains outcomes Other morning sessions deal each day with a specific topic such as Conceptualization, Design & Siting Construction & Commissioning Operation & Decommissioning
International Atomic Energy Agency Meeting Organization Afternoon sessions were dedicated to sharing experience through exchanges and discussion. More specifically, participants identified the following three concerns. Management of Uncertainties : This topic covers among other the safety assessment assumptions, the decision steps, the long-term safety and the societal and/or political issues Interdependencies : This specific topic deals with Waste Management Cycle, the multiple regulators and/or operators involved, the link with the disposal options, the decommissioning strategies Management System : This topic want to address the long time frames, the societal / political issues and the funding.
International Atomic Energy Agency Meeting Organization Three working 3 groups has been created, each group using one of the 3 CRAFT test cases as reference Safety Case. During the afternoon working group session there was also place for reviewing the group reference safety case using the guidance established by the CRAFT regulatory group. The meeting also gives the opportunity to have some exchanges and discussion on the SAFRAN tool and its use for independent review or for safety assessment
International Atomic Energy Agency Topics to consider in WG Review of the Safety CaseReview of the Safety Case Test cases were generally structured around the Safety Case arguments Importance of developing the Safety Context has been highlighted More attention should be paid in the tests cases to the subsequent radioactive management steps. Still to much attention were given to safety assessment rather than safety case (decision making)
International Atomic Energy Agency Topics to consider in WG Management of UncertaintiesManagement of Uncertainties Sources terms in case of retrieval The use of the Graded Approach in case of long term storage of DSRS Investigations of alternative options
International Atomic Energy Agency Topics to consider in WG InterdependencyInterdependency Confirm the implementation of a National Policy & Strategy for the RWM Importance of the Safety Case Context and existing waste stream treatments Consider pretreatment options based on safety requirements for centralized storage and/or disposal, which have to be developed Limits, control and conditions (WAC) of the final options DSRS tests case has no specific issues regarding interdependency Establish strategy for long-term storage and ultimate disposal Control mechanism of the reliability of the funding
International Atomic Energy Agency Topics to consider in WG Management SystemManagement System Room for improvement such as job descriptions, working documents, QA, delegation of authority & documentation and its sustainability Self-assessment and internal Peer review Process of reporting issues Knowledge management External support & Mgt System Regulators and operators Mgt system could differ regarding implementation of Safety culture
International Atomic Energy Agency Proposals for new projects in line with CRAFT The different groups propose to develop a project dealing with different stages of life-cycle with focus on storage facilities, treatment facilities and historical sites. The objective would be to share experience with different views of operators and regulatory body A specific focus should be given to review and the new project should not be too complicated « Less but better »
International Atomic Energy Agency Proposals for new projects in line with CRAFT The project should address, if possible, Regulatory & operators reviews Specific points of attention : Site selection process, inspection WAC criteria for long-term storage and transport Focus on Safety Culture and management system Harmonisation of the different SCs for predisposal and disposal Inspection Harmonisation of SC of disposal/predisposal Long-term storage Legacy sites Derivation of the license conditons based on the SC ….
International Atomic Energy Agency Questions in relation with proposals for new projects Need for a test case such as fuel storage or waste processing facility (existing or fictive test case) Should rely on Safran tool or could be more complicated?
International Atomic Energy Agency Identified of some countries specific needs Need about Waste Treatment Technology (pros & cons) Need for training have been identified (SA, model, scénarios, mgt of uncertainties,..) Experts missions & scientific missions
International Atomic Energy Agency Round table conclusions
International Atomic Energy Agency Round table outcomes Usefull meeting with practical informations – good learning process WAC Could idea to combine the two projects Need for inspections and licence guidance Proposal seems usefull Highlight the importance of uncertainties Need for long-term storage for spent fuels Specific issues for large/complicated components Nice platform to share experience Outcomes of CRAFT projects should be clarified before going to more complicated SC. A specific focus should be given to review. Less but better. Important point to participants Check-list is non appropriate
International Atomic Energy Agency Round table outcomes Importance of the national legislation Issues on Mgt system was very usefull Usefull feedbacks to improve our SC and for others countries having the same type of facility– a safety review could be very usefull. The scope could be useful for former countries belonging to Russian federation. Same feedback for Bosnia and Ghana test case Safety Culture is an important point that should be developped and sustained. Issues in terme of knowledge Mgt through time (lost and gain) The projects were very usefull for the development of capability of the country espcially regarding optimazation and balanced approach in prevention and mitigation approach. SAFCALC should be challenged. A look to SAFRAN validation is an important point.
International Atomic Energy Agency Round table outcomes Proportionate funding in order to reduce risk is a concern in small countries Guidance could be very usefull How to derive the license conditions could be very usefull to consider in the new project SAFRAN seems usefull compare to bigger codes like AMBER High active long term long lived waste is a concern. Feedback of greater countries on how they deal with bigger ammount of dissused spent sources. Focus on the management System and on record of information Enlarge the scope of the mediterranean project SC looks complicated. Drafts should be initiated in order to make progress Large variety of wastes between countries could be difficult to identify a project
International Atomic Energy Agency Round table outcomes SAFRAN tool is very usefull for small countries. Transport of RW is also a concern May be enlarging the audience of the project could be somethings that could stimulated the exchange of data. many participants participate for the first to such IAEA technical meeting. Still some confusion remains (disposal, predisposal,..)