How to Answer the Open Ended Question-Part 2. R estate the question E xplain the answer A dd a quote or example D escribe the importance of the quote/example.


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Presentation transcript:

How to Answer the Open Ended Question-Part 2

R estate the question E xplain the answer A dd a quote or example D escribe the importance of the quote/example Y ou learned…. STEPS TO BE READY!

Find a quote/example that supports your answer (Step 2). The quote MUST match the focus of your answer in Step 2. The quote should not be more than 3 sentences. How to insert a quote… STEP 3: ADD A QUOTE OR EXAMPLE

 In order to add a quote, you MUST:  Identify the source of your quote  In what story/article does the quote appear?  Who is the author? (if available)  What is the page number or paragraph number?  Who said the quote? (if applicable) ADDING A QUOTE

EXAMPLE #1 Informational Article: In the article (“name of article in quotes”) by (name of author), on page _______ OR in paragraph ________, the author states/explains/describes, EXAMPLE #2 Short Story: In the short story (“name of story in quotes”) by (name of author), on page _______ OR in paragraph ________, (name of character) says, EXAMPLE #3 Novel: In the novel (name of novel underlined) by (name of author), on page _______ OR in paragraph ________, (name of character) says, EXAMPLE OF ADDING A QUOTE

WITH AN AUTHOR In The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, on page 118, Ponyboy says, “Socs were just guys after all. Things were rough all over, but it was better that way. That way you could tell the other guy was human too.” WITHOUT AN AUTHOR In the short story “The Lottery,” in paragraph 5, it states “…….” QUOTING WITH AN AUTHOR AND WITHOUT AN AUTHOR

Question: How has Ponyboy’s view of the Socs changed? Response Example: Ponyboy’s view of the Socs has changed in several ways. Firstly, Ponyboy’s view of the Socs had changed when he understood that they had problems too. Secondly, his view had changed when he viewed the Socs as individuals. In The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, on page 118, Ponyboy says, “Socs were just guys after all. Things were rough all over, but it was better that way. That way you could tell the other guy was human too.”

 Reread what you wrote in step 2 and step 3  Explain how the quote proves step 2 (your main point) *Do not use the same exact words that you used in step 2!! Start step 4 by using:  “This quote shows…”  “This statement explains…”  The focus is linking back to step 2 – all eyes remain on step 2. Connect the quote to step 2. STEP 4: DESCRIBE THE QUOTE

Response Example: Ponyboy’s view of the Socs has changed in several ways. Firstly, Ponyboy’s view of the Socs had changed when he understood that they had problems too. Secondly, his view had changed when he viewed the Socs as individuals.In The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, on page 118, Ponyboy says, “Socs were just guys after all. Things were rough all over, but it was better that way. That way you could tell the other guy was human too.” This quote shows how Ponyboy now views the Soc’s differently because he understands that they are also people who have difficulties. How has Ponyboy’s view of the Socs changed?

 After Steps 1-4, you must conclude your response.  This is ONE sentence summary.  This concludes your point from Step 2.  This is your last sentence!!  You must start this statement by saying: “In conclusion, I have learned from this question….” Then, include the big lesson that can be learned from the question. STEP 5- YOU LEARNED

Question: How has Ponyboy’s view of the Socs changed? Ponyboy’s view of the Socs has changed in several ways. Firstly, Ponyboy’s view of the Socs had changed when he understood that they had problems too. Secondly, his view had changed when he viewed the Socs as individuals. In The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, on page 118, Ponyboy says, “Socs were just guys after all. Things were rough all over, but it was better that way. That way you could tell the other guy was human too.” This quote shows how Ponyboy now views the Soc’s differently because he understands that they are also people who have difficulties. In conclusion, I have learned from this question that Ponyboy’s new understanding of the Socs has changed his view of them. COMPLETE RESPONSE (STEPS 1-5)

 (This is only to be completed by students who feel comfortable making relevant, brief connections. IF you do NOT think you can do this, end your response after YOU LEARNED.)  There are 3 different connections that you can make. You are to use 1 of them. *You can change the language to fit your connection.  Text to Self- this is where you explain how YOU experienced the lesson YOURSELF.  "I can connect to this lesson because I..."  Text to Text- this is where you explain how a character in a TEXT you read experienced the lesson.  "This lesson connects to the text ______, where the character also  Text to World- this is where you explain how the lesson has been seen in the world/society.  "This lesson connects to ____which occurred in history/society because..." STEP 5-PART 2: YOU CONNECT

Ponyboy’s view of the Socs has changed in several ways. Firstly, Ponyboy’s view of the Socs had changed when he understood that they had problems too. Secondly, his view had changed when he viewed the Socs as individuals. In The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, on page 118, Ponyboy says, “Socs were just guys after all. Things were rough all over, but it was better that way. That way you could tell the other guy was human too.” This quote shows how Ponyboy now views the Soc’s differently because he understands that are also people who have difficulties. In conclusion, I have learned from this question that Ponyboy’s new understanding of the Socs has changed his view of them. I can connect to this lesson because I once made a judgment about the cheerleaders in my school. However, once I got to know a few of them, I realized that they were very similar to me. COMPLETE RESPONSE (STEPS 1-5)