Fractions – Mixed Numbers A mixed number is a whole number plus a fraction.
Fractions – Mixed Numbers A mixed number is a whole number plus a fraction. Some Examples :
Fractions – Mixed Numbers A mixed number is a whole number plus a fraction. Some Examples : When performing mathematical operations with fractions, it is sometimes necessary to change these mixed numbers into improper fractions. An improper fraction has a larger numerator than denominator.
Fractions – Mixed Numbers A mixed number is a whole number plus a fraction. Some Examples : When performing mathematical operations with fractions, it is sometimes necessary to change these mixed numbers into improper fractions. An improper fraction has a larger numerator than denominator. Examples :
Fractions – Mixed Numbers Procedure for changing mixed numbers into improper fractions. 1. Multiply the denominator by the whole number 2. Add the numerator to that result 3. The original denominator stays the same
Fractions – Mixed Numbers Procedure for changing mixed numbers into improper fractions. 1. Multiply the denominator by the whole number 2. Add the numerator to that result 3. The original denominator stays the same EXAMPLE # 1 :
Fractions – Mixed Numbers Procedure for changing mixed numbers into improper fractions. 1. Multiply the denominator by the whole number 2. Add the numerator to that result 3. The original denominator stays the same EXAMPLE # 1 : multiply
Fractions – Mixed Numbers Procedure for changing mixed numbers into improper fractions. 1. Multiply the denominator by the whole number 2. Add the numerator to that result 3. The original denominator stays the same EXAMPLE # 1 : multiply Add +
Fractions – Mixed Numbers Procedure for changing mixed numbers into improper fractions. 1. Multiply the denominator by the whole number 2. Add the numerator to that result 3. The original denominator stays the same EXAMPLE # 1 : multiply Add +
Fractions – Mixed Numbers Procedure for changing mixed numbers into improper fractions. 1. Multiply the denominator by the whole number 2. Add the numerator to that result 3. The original denominator stays the same EXAMPLE # 1 : multiply Add +
Fractions – Mixed Numbers Procedure for changing mixed numbers into improper fractions. 1. Multiply the denominator by the whole number 2. Add the numerator to that result 3. The original denominator stays the same EXAMPLE # 1 : multiply Add + EXAMPLE # 2 :
Fractions – Mixed Numbers Procedure for changing mixed numbers into improper fractions. 1. Multiply the denominator by the whole number 2. Add the numerator to that result 3. The original denominator stays the same EXAMPLE # 1 : multiply Add + EXAMPLE # 2 :
Fractions – Mixed Numbers When working with fractions, we will always change improper fraction answers back into mixed numbers. Here is the procedure to do so : 1. Determine how many factors of the denominator will divide the numerator without exceeding the numerator. This will be the whole number part of our answer. 2. Multiply that answer by the denominator, then subtract that result from the original numerator. This is called the remainder and will be the numerator part of our answer. 3.Again, the denominator stays the same.
Fractions – Mixed Numbers When working with fractions, we will always change improper fraction answers back into mixed numbers. Here is the procedure to do so : 1. Determine how many factors of the denominator will divide the numerator without exceeding the numerator. This will be the whole number part of our answer. 2. Multiply that answer by the denominator, then subtract that result from the original numerator. This is called the remainder and will be the numerator part of our answer. 3.Again, the denominator stays the same. EXAMPLE :
Fractions – Mixed Numbers When working with fractions, we will always change improper fraction answers back into mixed numbers. Here is the procedure to do so : 1. Determine how many factors of the denominator will divide the numerator without exceeding the numerator. This will be the whole number part of our answer. 2. Multiply that answer by the denominator, then subtract that result from the original numerator. This is called the remainder and will be the numerator part of our answer. 3.Again, the denominator stays the same. EXAMPLE : 3 x 2 = 6 3 x 3 = 9 So 3 divides 7 twice without going over…
Fractions – Mixed Numbers When working with fractions, we will always change improper fraction answers back into mixed numbers. Here is the procedure to do so : 1. Determine how many factors of the denominator will divide the numerator without exceeding the numerator. This will be the whole number part of our answer. 2. Multiply that answer by the denominator, then subtract that result from the original numerator. This is called the remainder and will be the numerator part of our answer. 3.Again, the denominator stays the same. EXAMPLE : 3 x 2 = 6 3 x 3 = 9 So 3 divides 7 twice without going over…
Fractions – Mixed Numbers When working with fractions, we will always change improper fraction answers back into mixed numbers. Here is the procedure to do so : 1. Determine how many factors of the denominator will divide the numerator without exceeding the numerator. This will be the whole number part of our answer. 2. Multiply that answer by the denominator, then subtract that result from the original numerator. This is called the remainder and will be the numerator part of our answer. 3.Again, the denominator stays the same. EXAMPLE : 3 x 2 = 6 3 x 3 = 9 So 3 divides 7 twice without going over…
Fractions – Mixed Numbers When working with fractions, we will always change improper fraction answers back into mixed numbers. Here is the procedure to do so : 1. Determine how many factors of the denominator will divide the numerator without exceeding the numerator. This will be the whole number part of our answer. 2. Multiply that answer by the denominator, then subtract that result from the original numerator. This is called the remainder and will be the numerator part of our answer. 3.Again, the denominator stays the same. EXAMPLE # 2 :
Fractions – Mixed Numbers When working with fractions, we will always change improper fraction answers back into mixed numbers. Here is the procedure to do so : 1. Determine how many factors of the denominator will divide the numerator without exceeding the numerator. This will be the whole number part of our answer. 2. Multiply that answer by the denominator, then subtract that result from the original numerator. This is called the remainder and will be the numerator part of our answer. 3.Again, the denominator stays the same. EXAMPLE # 2: 4 x 2 = 8 4 x 3 = 12 4 x 4 = 16 4 x 5 = 20 So 4 divides18 four times without going over…
Fractions – Mixed Numbers When working with fractions, we will always change improper fraction answers back into mixed numbers. Here is the procedure to do so : 1. Determine how many factors of the denominator will divide the numerator without exceeding the numerator. This will be the whole number part of our answer. 2. Multiply that answer by the denominator, then subtract that result from the original numerator. This is called the remainder and will be the numerator part of our answer. 3.Again, the denominator stays the same. EXAMPLE # 2: 4 x 2 = 8 4 x 3 = 12 4 x 4 = 16 4 x 5 = 20 So 4 divides18 four times without going over…
Fractions – Mixed Numbers When working with fractions, we will always change improper fraction answers back into mixed numbers. Here is the procedure to do so : 1. Determine how many factors of the denominator will divide the numerator without exceeding the numerator. This will be the whole number part of our answer. 2. Multiply that answer by the denominator, then subtract that result from the original numerator. This is called the remainder and will be the numerator part of our answer. 3.Again, the denominator stays the same. EXAMPLE # 2: 4 x 2 = 8 4 x 3 = 12 4 x 4 = 16 4 x 5 = 20 So 4 divides18 four times without going over…
Fractions – Mixed Numbers When working with fractions, we will always change improper fraction answers back into mixed numbers. Here is the procedure to do so : 1. Determine how many factors of the denominator will divide the numerator without exceeding the numerator. This will be the whole number part of our answer. 2. Multiply that answer by the denominator, then subtract that result from the original numerator. This is called the remainder and will be the numerator part of our answer. 3.Again, the denominator stays the same. EXAMPLE # 2: Reduce any answer completely…