OMB Status 4/11//03 Monday, December 1, 2003 OMB Progress 4/11/03 Vicki Novak Tom Luedtke Gwen BrownPat DunningtonSteve Isakowitz Steps to Green Steps to Yellow Steps to Green 1.Assess and report on success and future actions that will be taken as a result of the implementation of the strategic human capital plan. 2.Provide information as to how NASA makes meaningful performance distinctions in its 2-level performance system. Primary Challenge OPM and OMB evaluation of two actions are subjective; there are no clear, established success guidelines. Last week 1.Met with OPM Desk Officer to clarify second-level (detail) requirements for two actions. This week 1. Obtain agreement from OPM and OMB desk officers on two products that will be delivered in early December. 1.Publicly announce a standard A-76 competition. Primary Challenge Finalizing the site selection to prevent schedule impact to the NSSC competition. Last week 1. The NSSC ATO conducted a site review for a possible office location near NASA HQ for the MEO team. 2. ACST and the NSSC CO participated in competitive sourcing training scheduled by GSFC for its planned streamlined competitions. This week 1. The PWS team is holding a meeting and training at NASA HQ concerning RFP and PWS development. 1.Improve the manner in which Agency makes performance distinctions among non-SES employees. 2.Demonstrate marginal cost of achieving performance goals. Primary Challenge No clear criteria for successfully demonstrating that marginal cost of changing performance goals can be estimated. Last week 1. Performance section of the PAR distributed for concurrence. 2. Erasmus demonstration to Administrator. 3. Initiated collection of examples of marginal cost trades. This week 1. FY03 PAR draft to DCFO, ADA/T for approval. 2. Meet with Enterprises to collect examples of marginal cost trades performed for this year’s POP. 3. Draft specific commitment memo for getting to green. 1.Bring business cases for major systems to an acceptable level. 2.Cost/schedule/performance overruns/shortfalls on projects cannot exceed 30%. Primary Challenge Meeting IT security challenges given implementation of new NIST standards. Last week 1. On 10/20, provided OMB with proposed list of mission-specific Exhibit 300s for revision and resubmission. OMB provided feedback and guidance on the list on 10/ CIOs (AO, Enterprises, and Centers) developed action plan to meet 11/3 due date for delivery of mission-specific business cases to OMB. This week 1. Working with Enterprise CIOs to facilitate delivery to OMB (by 11/3) of revised business cases for eleven mission-specific investments. 1.Resolve remaining material weaknesses, and bring systems into compliance with FFMIA. 2.Issue unqualified assurance statement under FFMIA. Primary Challenge Primary issue is to maintain unqualified audit opinion during transition to new accounting system. Last week 1.Continued to meet with PwC and OIG to discuss action plan and milestones for producing financial statements by December 10, This week 1.Plan to issue Draft Financial Statements to OIG/PWC by December 10, 2003.