14.1 Chapter 14 Internet Regulation © 2003 by West Legal Studies in Business/A Division of Thomson Learning
14.2 Market Failures Monopoly power Natural monopolies and destructive competition Externalities Public goods Asymmetric information
14.3 Consumer Protection: The Federal Trade Commission Internet initiatives Privacy Children Safe shopping Spam FTC Powers Trade regulation rules Advisory opinions Industry guidelines
14.4 Consumer Protection: The Federal Trade Commission FTC Consumer protection remedies: Cease and desist orders Consent decree Affirmative disclosure order Corrective advertising order Multiple product order
14.5 Advertising Regulation Common law remedies Deceptive advertising False or unsubstantiated claims Green ads and eco-labeling Domestic content
14.6 Advertising Regulation Puffing Mock-ups Omissions and half-truths Endorsements Corrective advertisements
14.7 Advertising Regulation Comparative ads and the Lanham Act Packaging and labeling Internet and online ad regulation
14.8 Deceptive Trade Practices Bait and switch Direct marketing and mail order Door-to-door sales Telemarketing Other trade regulations
14.9 Internet Taxation Complexity of taxation of e- commerce State taxation of interstate business Internet Tax Freedom Act International taxation
14.10 Telecommunications Regulation Regulatory framework Federal Communications Commission State and local regulators Licensing and entry
14.11 Telecommunications Regulation Structural regulation Regulation of rates Technology and standards Telecommunications regulation and e-commerce
14.12 Questions & Discussion