Coding Update 2006 Primary Care Conference March 29, 2006
ICD-9-CM International Classification of Diseases - 9 th Edition - Clinical Modification ICD-10 already in use internationally –2009 for USA ??
ICD-9-CM Coding Guidelines National Center for Health Statistics website Coding Clinic – issued quarterly by American Hospital Association
Diagnosis Code Tips Do not code diagnoses documented as rule out (R/O), probable, suspected, or consistent with…
Abnormal findings Findings, abnormal, w/o diagnosis –Positive PPD –Prolonged bleeding time –Electrocardiogram –Liver function tests
Signs & Symptoms Fever Dysuria Wheezing Fatigue Knee pain
ICD arranged by Condition Bronchitis Pain Sprain Bursitis Cellulitis
Site or Type Pain, –ankle –knee Arthritis –inflammatory –fingers –multiple sites
Malignancy coding Locate code by histological type; (eg melanoma, astrocytoma) Code as malignancy as long as it is still being treated Code as a history of malignancy once active treatment has ended
Neoplasms Neoplasm Table –Primary –Secondary –Ca in situ –Benign –Uncertain Behavior –Unspecified
Unknown primary malignancy Assign code for unknown primary, if still actively treated
Diabetes – compound coding If using a fourth digit to describe complication – code also the complication as a secondary code
Diabetes Mellitus – 4 th digits 250.0x = w/o mention of complication 250.1x = w/ketoacidosis 250.2x = w/hyperosmolarity 250.3x = w/other coma 250.4x = w/renal manifestations
Diabetes Mellitus – 4 th digit 250.5x = w/ophthalmic manifestations 250.6x = w/neurologic manifestations 250.7x = w/peripheral circulatory disorders 250.8x = w/other specified manifestations 250.9x = w/unspecified complications
Diabetes – 5 th digit 0type II or unspecified, not uncontrolled 1type I, not uncontrolled 2 type II or unspecified, uncontrolled 3type I, uncontrolled
Nursing Facility Codes Skilled Nursing (SNF) Intermediate Care (ICF) Long Term Care (LTCF) Psychiatric Residential Treatment Center
Nursing Facility Services Three levels of service for admissions Four levels for subsequent care Comprehensive annual assessment
Domiciliary, Rest Home or Custodial Care services Section revised to better capture care provided in these settings Increasing number of patients with complex diseases (eg, Alzheimer patients)