Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration Network Enabled Operations (NEO Spiral II Demonstration and Prototyping Information Exchange Briefing Jon Standley, AJP-67 November 3, 2010
2 Federal Aviation Administration Network Enabled Operations (NEO) Spiral II November 3, Description NEO is an information sharing capability that promotes inter-agency communication and collaboration through the use of modern network enabled tools, technologies, and operational procedures
3 Federal Aviation Administration Network Enabled Operations (NEO) Spiral II November 3, 2010 Description Spiral 1 Plus: –Led five interagency (FAA, DoD, DHS, JPDO) program planning workshops to plan activities for NEO Spiral 2 –Led the development of vendor’s planning and engineering deliverables –Toward the end of the program planning workshops, DoD and DHS expressed interest in Command and Control (C2) Gap Filler program led by DoD (Air Force), which consists of R&D activities similar to NEO –NEO Spiral 1 Plus contract ended on June 3, 2009 Spiral II: –In response to congressional direction, the NEO program will leverage existing net-centric information sharing capabilities and extend to support Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)
4 Federal Aviation Administration Network Enabled Operations (NEO) Spiral II November 3, 2010 Enter The Matrix
5 Federal Aviation Administration Network Enabled Operations (NEO) Spiral II November 3,
6 Federal Aviation Administration Network Enabled Operations (NEO) Spiral II November 3, 2010 Program Vision Generate a 4D Trajectory from a Flight Management System Integrate Trajectory to FAA Air Traffic Automation Platforms (ERAM and STARS) Share Trajectory with outside government partners
7 Federal Aviation Administration Network Enabled Operations (NEO) Spiral II November 3, Major Milestones/Goals Conduct Joint Government-Industry Technical Workshop to Plan Demonstration Develop Trajectory Definition with AIDL Demonstrate Trajectory Integration with STARS and ERAM
8 Federal Aviation Administration Network Enabled Operations (NEO) Spiral II November 3, Accomplishments To Date GATI Contract Awarded – 11/3 Initial Program Vision Developed
9 Federal Aviation Administration Network Enabled Operations (NEO) Spiral II November 3, Future Plans Conduct NEO Kickoff Meeting Conduct Joint Government-Industry Technical Workshop