postmodernism Marilynn Hawkins Sherryle Mathis
postmodernism a style of thought which is suspicious of classical notions of truth, reason, identity, and objectivity rejects metaphysics and the Enlightenment’s ideological claims that there is one method and approach to rationality
1950 Entry Level Job Skills 60% Unskilled 20% Skilled 20% Professional
2000 Entry Level Job Skills 65% Skilled 20% Professional 15% Unskilled
Michel Foucault ( ) Archeology of Knowledge Power Knowledge Discourse knowledge is an expression of power rather than an expression of truth
Ship of Fools Bosh c
One Room School House St. Tammany Parish
Ages and Grades Separated Lyon High School Covington, LA 1925
Covington High School high school aged students
Jacques Derrida Deconstruction -a method of reading with its own specific rules and protocols -practice of taking apart a piece of writing to show the meaning of the word differs from the word itself ( )
Jacques Derrida French philosopher whose critique of Western philosophy and analyses of the nature of language, writing, and meaning were highly controversial yet immensely influential in much of the intellectual world in the late 20th century. “Jacques Derrida." Encyclopædia Britannica Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. 18 Apr. 2004
Jean-François Lyotard The Postmodern Condition; A Report on Knowledge 1979
Lyotard defines postmodernism as “incredulity toward metanarrative.” “grand” “stories”
Richard Rorty ( ) Neo-pragmatist liberal ideas social changes can happen through democratic means. Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature
Jean Baudrillard ( ) Hyperreality Simulation
Jean Baudrillard 'Finalities of Change' (2002) European Graduate School
Simulacra & Simulation The Matrix 1999
Crucial role of the Teacher take personal and social responsibility for their futures develop identity and a sense of historical place to go beyond the mere transmittal of received knowledge To Help Students: