The Matrix The Matrix (1999) is a dystopian film that shows a world being controlled by a computer. It has lots of postmodern elements to it such as hyperreality and challenging metanarratives.
Narrative – character types Neo – ProtagonistMorpheus – helper Trinity - helper
Narrative structure Part 1: Shows Neo’s normal life of having a job and going about his day to day business, which we later learn has been masked to hide the real truth of life on Earth. Part 2: Morpheus comes and starts to explain to Neo how things really work and how the Matrix is using Humans. Problem arises when agent calls humans a ‘plague’ and they need to be ‘cured’. Part 3: Shows Neo preparing to fight the agents and learns more about his abilities as he opens up his mind
Camera Possibly one of the most famous camera shot of all time is used in this trailer, the famous bullet shot, using a blend of movement and angles to make it seem the bullet is going to pass straight through the camera. Another impressive shot is when time freezes and the camera pans around Trinity whilst she’s in mid air.
Mise en scene - costume At the start of the trailer, the costume is very ordinary to go along with the normality of life at the beginning, however as Neo is exposed to the Matrix, more unusual choices of clothing are worn by the characters.
Mise en scene - props Throughout the trailer, guns play a big part, showing the audience what can be expected of the film. There is also the use of futuristic technology to give it the dystopian and hyperreality feel.
Mise en scene - lighting In the beginning of the trailer when it’s showing Neo’s life before he’s discovered the Matrix, it’s very dark and gloomy, however after his discovery it is rarely dark instead very light. This could show how despite the Matrix being bad, that it has improved Neo’s life.
Mise en scene - location The trailer (and whole film) is set in a generic American city, and in the beginning this is all we see. However as the trailer develops we are exposed to new locations such as a dojo, a subway a sewer etc.
Mise en scene - sound There is lots of use of sound affects to go along with the futuristic hyperreality of the trailer borrowed from sci-fi films. Throughout the trailer orchestral music is used and it really helps add to the action by building up to a climax. There is also lots of voiceover from Morpheus as he narrates what is going on on-screen, aswell as explaining to Neo his role in defeating the Matrix.
Editing The trailer is edited quickly with shots only being on screen for a couple of seconds, thus teasing scenes that will be in the film. Two hyper-realistic scenes are also shown in the trailer (bullet shot & Trinity shot) which again teases what can be seen in the film.