Kenneth Grover Principal Innovations High School
I don’t know the future. I didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end, I came here to tell you how this is going to begin... I’m going to show these people what you don’t want them to see. I’m going to show them a world without you, a world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you. Neo, The Matrix
Traditional High School MarioClaireVai
Teacher MariaTevitaCilia
diverse learners one fit?
Student Teachers School Support
Student Centered Learning THE Disruption in Education Status Quo Age cohorts Sequential Annual tests Tethered Teachers Place Student Centered Individualized progress Adaptive Testing Competency Based Mobile Access Team Instant feedback
Why look at Blended Learning? Personalized learning Student-Centered Learning Engagement and motivation Individual progress BYOD Online testing in 2015 Leverage good teachers Improved conditions Equalization: narrow the divide Student and parent computer literacy Blended learning is the only response to higher expectations without new resources.
STUDENT SUCCESS SELF-PACED, FLEXIBLE CURICULUM PEP Personalized Educational Plan PEP Personalized Educational Plan Graduate with college credit A clear career path identified with industry certificate 100% graduation rate Graduate with college credit A clear career path identified with industry certificate 100% graduation rate Working Toward a Career and College School Support Competency based digital curricula Mentor Teachers High expectations School Support Competency based digital curricula Mentor Teachers High expectations
Outcomes: Education Rebuilt School Hours: 7 am to 5 pm No class “periods”- learning at least 6 hours a day Students choose what and when they learn—to a point Teachers “teaching” 8 hours per day Class sizes 35% lower No more “sage on the stage” Direct, one-to-one student instruction
Outcomes: Education Rebuilt 5 quarters a year Strong Mentor Teacher Implementation Student computer ratio Significant academic progress All 11 th /12 th grade take college courses Courses are delivered digitally as well as “brick and mortar” Parents re-engaged FINALLY (learning/attendance/student progress)
Outcomes: Enrollments Projected: 40 Current: : 275 Current Wait List: 150+ Student Demographics: 45% Free and Reduced Lunch 35% Latino 5% African American 5% Polynesian 10% Special Education
Outcomes: Academic Achievement 9 th Grade Class 92% at or ahead of peers nationally - no drop outs 10 th Grade Class 94% at or ahead of peers nationally – no drop outs 11 th Grade Class 91% at or ahead of peers nationally – no drop outs Every student registered for college courses 12 th Grade Class 30/33 students graduated
Barriers Opportunites Labor Leadership-local, state Board Community Political
What are you waiting for? Push the boundaries of what is possible System is ready for dramatic changes Culture and professional performance is what determines success Technology can be a powerful lever for rethinking schooling but it’s the rethinking that matters, NOT the technology (which provides the tools to solve problems). Use technology to free up the time and talent and money for better uses—teaching directly students. How well will you use the political levers to serve your students? Play it cool and ride the wave Caged Leadership
Kenneth O. Grover