satiate (verb) – to satisfy fully Examples: You don’t need to satiate your desire to have money in order to be happy. The bag of chips satiated my hunger. Antonyms: Unfulfilled, unsatisfied Synonyms: To stuff
slothful Examples: (adj.) – lazy You cannot succeed by being slothful. Antonyms: Energetic, lively, active Synonyms: Sluggish, idle, inactive
Solidarity (noun) – fellowship between members of a group Examples: We have a close group of friends and the solidarity between us is strong. Synonyms: Unity, harmony, camaraderie Antonyms: discord
Spendthrift Examples: (noun) – a person who spends money wastefully Examples: My sister just bought another ipod ad a new iphone. She is a spendthrift. spendthrift tightwad Synonyms: Wasteful, prodigal, squanderer Antonyms: miser
Stoic The stoic little girl did not cry when she broke her arm. (adj.) – not affected by passion or feeling Examples: The stoic little girl did not cry when she broke her arm. Synonyms: strong Antonyms: Weak, emotional
Succinct (adj.) – brief, concise Examples: Write a succinct essay on wealth. It should not exceed more than ten sentences. Synonyms: Concise, short, to the point Antonyms: Long-winded