Drunk Driving By K Foster
Background Info This image is produced by students at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada along with the help of their professor.
Appeal To Logos This picture appeals to the audience emotionally by showing that drunk drivers are a continuous threat to not only other motorists, but everyone around.
Appeal To Ethos This picture appeals to ethos because it’s obvious that if you are driving under the influence you are far more likely to injure someone than if you are sober.
Appeal To Pathos This picture appeals to pathos because it is very sad. It uses a statistic to show the viewer that this is a serious and sensitive topic.
Without The Text? If you take the text away from this image, it just looks like a normal handicapped parking space. Without the text this picture has no meaning.
Is The Image Balanced?
Image Balance I feel that this image is balanced. The picture is primarily taken up by the parking space and it is balanced on both sides of it. The bushes on the right equal out with the vehicle on the left.
Citations ndicapped+drunk+driving+image&view=de tail&id=7FF41A0CB9693BE0364DAB506 EC5D01B9DACF1A8&first=0