Driving Business Forward Context Setting by Ramnath Iyer – CTO-CRISIL June 23, 2011
2 Key Messages In the information age, the CIO can provide business the competitive edge by: –Reducing information asymmetry –Providing tools for decision making –Creating differentiators through cutting edge technology To achieve the above, a CIO has to overcome multiple challenges –Create the business case and project the RoI –Manage change Learning from experience is vital in managing the technology transformation
3 Reducing the Information Asymmetry Market information –Demand estimates for product categories –Sales, costs, regional/distributor/dealer/retailer performance –Team/group performance, impact of initiatives, incentives –Competitor performance Production/Distribution information Resource utilization
4 Tools for Decision Making CEO dashboards on –Sales performance –Financial performance –Market share, competitor metrics General tools for –Forecasting –Scenario building –What if analysis Operational manager toolkits for –Performance monitoring –SLA tracking
5 Technology Differentiators Change USP of business based on technological superiority –Net banking –Use of ATMs across globe Change the business paradigm using technology –Online ticketing and eliminating agents –Virtual market places –Real time tracking of shipments/parcels Reduce costs with technology –Off shoring –Automation of routine activities
6 Challenges faced by CIO(1/2) Inside out approach to viewing business –CIOs look at business from the IT perspective and not vice versa Adhoc approach to information requirements –Information is sought for specific needs and seldom as part of big picture –Proxies are liberally used and little premium for accurate/real time information Larger focus on availability of systems than on business impact –Technology performance measured by systems uptime –Availability of systems measured as availability of and laptop uptime
7 Challenges Faced by CIO (2/2) Most investments require an RoI justification, but it can be a chicken and egg story Change management itself can make or break new initiatives –Support and push from leadership becomes crucial –Communication of benefits has to be continuous and has to be acknowledged by business Limited understanding of technology and its benefits –Viewed as an investment with no or little immediate benefits –Missing process and systems orientation of business: makes it difficult to build Avoiding the data trap –Milling the wheat from the chaff
8 Experience of CIOs in Driving Business Forward How was the information asymmetry reduced What decision making tools were created and deployed The differentiators/game changers introduced Approach to overcoming the challenges
9 CIO Is an Leadership Role…Leadership Insights From Subbu High Level of Commitment to Leadership…Lead Differently, Inspire and Motivate Continually Business IT Alignment…People+Process+Technology to deliver Business value continually Build People, Develop Systems…”Technology Can be Put in place, PEOPLE make it Happen”…Unleash the Potential of People to Perform Build Partnership & the Right Relationship…Drive Performance & the Right Results Customer Centricity…Customer’s Customer is the key…Customer Value Discipline of Execution…Speed and Quality of Execution is the key Change Management…Lead, Create and Manage Change 4C + 2C -> 1C…Communicate, Collaborate, Coordinate, Cooperate plus Consistency & Credibility to Co-Create Value