Wycech, Meson Testing Λ(1405) with K-mesic atoms S.Wycech IPJ, Warsaw The purpose Λ(1405) is the dorway and the mechanism to bind the „K-mesic nuclei”
Wycech, Meson Two approaches to Λ(1405) Phenomenology K – matrix fitted to data + dispersion relations Extrapolation below KN, E ~ 1405 MeV PDG, R.Dalitz, A.Martin.. many others since 1970 ▪ Chiral models SU(3) symmetric driving force, pole in Σ π, pole in KN plane, E ~ 1420 MeV W.Weise, E.Oset.. others since 2000
Wycech, Meson Experimental check K N Σ π below threshold in final states not conclusive provides amplitude a(K N, Σ π) no a(K N,KN)
Wycech, Meson- 2010
Two new (?) suggestions to extract KN amplitudes from 1)Upper atomic levels 2) Atomic nuclear radiative transitions
Wycech, Meson „upper levels „ s p d …. n= 3 n= 2 „ upper ” n= 1 „ lower „
Wycech, Meson Upper levels „do not fit „ E. Friedman, A.Gal Im a= 0.37 fm upper levels Im a= 0.94 fm lower levels Г ~ Im a (KN, E = - EBINDING - ERECOIL ) % accurate in upper levels impulse approx. not valid in lower levels
Wycech, Meson Nucleon levels „seen” in atoms V(r) radial distance lower upper levels
Wycech, Meson Parallel case, antiprotonic atoms Nuclear regions studied in atomic levels lower upper cold capture ↓ ↓ ↓ ρ(r)
Wycech, Meson P-bar N subthreshold energies involved in p-bar atoms MeV P D T He 4
Wycech, Meson Im a(E) extracted from light antiprotonic atoms - PS 207 data Paris model
Wycech, Meson Im a KN (E) extracted from upper widths
Wycech, Meson Im a(KN) extracted from upper widths
Wycech, Meson Favorite situation for studying Г(upper): one or few nucleon orbitals perfect P,D,He, very good Li, Be, C, N,O, resonable in almost all atoms
Wycech, Meson K-neutron dominated widths Upper widths due mostly to Kn, S + P wave Pb Im a (K – n) Apparently dominated by Σ (1385)
Wycech, Meson Another possibility to study sub-threshold elastic KN or K-nucleus amplitude
Wycech, Meson K-hydrogen Λ(1405 ) + γ Kaons lost in cascade Kaonic Hydrogen ~ 95% lost How many go to Λ(1405 ) + γ ?
Wycech, Meson Old BNL experiment K – p Σ(1190) γ Found on the level of 1/1000 D.A.Whitehouse..PRL.63(89)1352; K.D.Larsen.. Phys.Rev D47(93)799 K – p Λ(1405) γ Is it feasible ? What is the line shape ?
Wycech, Meson High energy photons from K - p atom
Wycech, Meson Gamma rays to Λ(1405) of captures from ( n P) levels s p d n= 3 n= 2 n= 1 Λ(1405)
Wycech, Meson Occupation and capture from all (n,P) states estimated captures from n P states in gas targets ~ few % of stopped K mesons Total chance for γ transition ~ per stopped kaon
Wycech, Meson Kaonic deuterium atom KNN Deep state ~100 MeV ( FINUDA, DISTO) Very small chance Weakly bound or virtual state ~ 47 MeV P+ Σ(1385) sw Phys. Rev C 79 Good chance
Wycech, Meson Line shape Г = ∫ dk S(k) S(k) = Im T KN,KN (E o –k) k G KN (k)
Wycech, Meson LINE SHAPE resonance●propagator●phase space Σ π T G KN γ p K -
Wycech, Meson Summary Upper widths in K atoms may determine Im T KN,KN (M K + M N – E ) for E = MeV K -Atom K-Nuclear + γ may give elastic Im T KNUCLEUS (M K + M N – E ) Experiments are difficult
Wycech, Meson- 2010
Upper levels –suggestions Interesting measurements He (2p ) Be, C, repetition Sn 112,116,118,124 – different proton bindings Pb 208 Kn parameters in addition to D