I verbi -are la coniugazione!. Io = I = the person who is talking Lui= he = a male we are talking about Lei = she = a female we are talking about ___.


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Presentation transcript:

I verbi -are la coniugazione!

Io = I = the person who is talking Lui= he = a male we are talking about Lei = she = a female we are talking about ___ = it = a thing we are talking about Tu= you = the person I am talking to When Signora Rolf says io, io means Signora Rolf. When Lucia says io, io means Lucia. When Raffaele says io, io means Raffaele. When I am talking to Donatello, tu means Donatello. When I am talking to Gabriella, tu means Gabriella. When I am talking to Giovanni, tu means Giovanni.

Noi = we = the two people who are talking Loro = they = the people we are talking about Voi = all yall = the people I am talking to io + mia madre = noi io + Giuseppe = noi io + tu = noi tu + tua madre = voi tu + i tuoi amici = voi tu + Alessandra = voi BUT tu + io = noi! Mario + Antonella = loro Leonardo + Luigi = loro gli studenti = loro i tuoi amici = loro

Infinitive form ends in -are or -arsi to do something mangiare – to eat ballare – to dance lavarsi – to wash yourself

Conjugation used only with verbs tell who does what, when – person, verb, tense

How to conjugate 1.take off the -are 2.add your endings! 3.if the verb ends in –arsi a.change the -si to the appropriate pronoun

parlare io parlonoi parliamo tu parlivoi parlate lui / lei parlaloro parlano

ballare io ballonoi balliamo tu ballivoi ballate lui / lei ballaloro ballano

mangiare io mangionoi mangiamo* tu mangi*voi mangiate lui / lei mangialoro mangiano *(dont make a double i)

giocare io gioconoi giochiamo* tu giochi*voi giocate lui / lei giocaloro giocano *(keep the hard -c /k/ sound)

alzarsi io mi alzonoi ci alziamo tu ti alzivoi vi alzate lui / lei si alzaloro si alzano

chiamarsi io mi chiamonoi ci chiamiamo tu ti chiamivoi vi chiamate lui / lei si chiamaloro si chiamano

in general io (mi) -onoi (ci) -iamo tu (ti) -ivoi (vi) -ate lui / lei (si) -aloro (si) -ano

Since every form has a different ending, the subject pronouns are OPTIONAL. – parlo means I speak, whether or not you say io – parliamo means we speak, whether or not you say noi Italians do not often use the subject pronouns.

now you try it!!! conjugate completely: 1.abitare 2.annoiarsi 3.cercare 4.comprare 5.dimenticare 6.insegnare 7.lavarsi 8.pagare 9.portare 10.svegliarsi

But what does it all mean??? These verbs are in the present tense. The present tense is used to talk about things that are happening right now, happen regularly, or will happen in the very near future.

mangio – I eat – I do eat – I am eating parli – you talk – you do talk – you are talking balla – s/he dances – s/he does dance – s/he is dancing suoniamo – we play – we do play – we are playing tornate – all yall return – all yall are returning – all yall do return si truccano – they put on makeup – they do put on makeup – they are putting on makeup

why is this useful? I almost never say I do eat. This is useful for questions! Form a yes/no question in Italian just by adding a question mark (and changing the way you speak)! – Mangi la pasta. You eat pasta. – Mangi la pasta? Do you eat pasta? – Studia litaliano. S/he studies Italian. – Studia litaliano? Does s/he study Italian?

This is useful to say what people do not do! – Non mangio la carne. I dont eat meat. – Luigi non gioca a calcio. Luigi doesnt play soccer. – Perché non parli con Lucia? Why dont you talk to Lucia? – Non abitiamo a Solon. We do not live in Solon. – Non parlate francese. All yall do not speak French.

This is useful to describe what people are doing (now or in the near future). Maria balla. Maria is dancing. Giorgio mangia. Giorgio is eating. Io telefono a mia madre. I am calling my mother. Ti alzi alle 7 domani? Are you getting up at 7 tomorrow? Mangi a Chipotle stasera? Are you eating at Chipotle tonight?