Fraedom Approvals Presentation Created 16/7/15
Click on Log In button
Click on Blue Expenses Box to log in
Enter your username - Your Fan Enter your password - provided to you by Administrator
HOME SCREEN Click here to view the current items requiring attention Click here to view all approvals – past and present
APPROVING Click on approvals to show a summary of cardholders and the number of approvals required Click on cardholder’s name to show all transactions currently requiring approval.
APPROVING CONTINUED …… Click Approve all, OR select individual items and Approve Selected Items
APPROVING CONTINUED …… Approved transactions will be extract into the relevant General Ledger twice weekly. It is not possible to decline a transaction, however you can instigate a query by following the steps on the next slides.
QUESTIONS BEFORE APPROVAL? Click on Exclamation Point next to the transaction in question You are now able to add comments and change approval status to Information required. This will generate an to the cardholder with your query. Ie. Please provide tax invoice, or change GST code, or provide more information etc.
QUESTIONS CONT…… Using the Information Required function then places the transaction into Information Required column on your Summary View
QUESTIONS CONT…… When the cardholder has provided the information requested, the transaction will be shown in the Information Provided column on your Summary View
CONTACTS & LINKS Julie McConnell – Administrator Jana Nulty Administrator James Conlon – Supervisor Purchase Card Policy ancial/purchasingcar d.htm ancial/purchasingcar d.htm