Does design matter to SMEs?
Yes. Thank you. Any questions?
Design Business Association EESC Why should you believe me? European Design Leadership Board 4. Work both sides of the fence years in this industry 6. I’m not in the habit of lying! 7. You don’t have to, simply believe the evidence.
Design Business Association EESC The evidence 1. DBA Design Effectiveness Awards 20 years old 2. Entries written by industry and their designers 3. Judged by leaders in industry 4. Must prove value created by design alone 5. Growing number of entries every year 6. Design works in SMEs and Globals 7. Positions design as a business tool 8. Outcome not output 9. Finance Director’s best friend 10. Gets those commissioning work to ask for more
Design Business Association EESC EDLB Challenge from Vice President Tajani: “….to enhance design’s long-term contribution to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth through increased competitiveness and the pursuit of a better quality of life for all the citizens of Europe.”
Design Business Association EESC Design for Growth and Prosperity launched Sept 2012 Six strategic design actions: 1. Differentiating European design on global scale 2. Positioning design within the European innovation system 3. Design for innovative and competitive enterprises 4. Design for an innovative public sector 5. Positioning design research for the 21 st century 6. Design competencies for the 21 st century
Design = Value
Quality of life
Design Business Association EESC Industrial Policy Communication Update “Wider use of design, as well as other non- technological innovations, is one of the key drivers for developing high value products, increasing productivity and improving resource efficiency.”
Design Business Association EESC Design Action Plan launched September 2013 Strategic areas for action: —Promote understanding of design’s impact on innovation —Promote design-driven innovation in industries to strengthen competitiveness —Promote the adoption of design to drive renewal in the public sector Plan supported by 6 co-financed projects and EDIP.
50% reduction in accidents
17% price increase
Market stall to 4 supermarkets in 13 months
Design Business Association ESSC What can you measure? Internal Communications Department - improved employee perception of the brand (morale) - increased understanding of purpose/principles - brand promises - behaviour change (absenteeism/H&S/pensions adoption) - reduced organisational costs - reduced brand communications costs - better talent recruited - increased share price
Design Business Association ESSC What can you measure? Industrial/product development/design - increased profit by creating increased value - cutting costs drives profit to the bottom line - increased distribution/buyers stock your product - consumer attitude shifts - payback period cut - market share growth - opening up new markets (product/export) - new consumer group targeted
Design Business Association EESC Your assignment…should you chose to accept it… —Influencers: to find the most effective policy/programme-mix for getting this right – environment in which we all trade —SME’s: put design at the heart of their business – differentiate (not i) or die, long-term value creation —EC: no subsidies for design; €design spend evidenced; speed up financing; lead by example; campaign for design; skills development needed —Culture of enterprise in Europe