Little League Player Agent 2008 Is there a “What am I supposed to do and When do I do it Guide” for a Little League Player Agent? The Answer is ”NO”
Player Agent The player agent conducts annual tryouts, is in charge of player selection, assists the president in checking birth records and eligibility of players and generally supervises and coordinates the transfer of players to or from the Minor Leagues according to provisions of the regulations of Little League Baseball. Separate player agents may also be selected to oversee individual divisions within the league. The player agent must not manage, coach or umpire in the division over which he/she has authority, unless the local league has received explicit written permission to allow this from Little League Baseball International Headquarters.
LL Constitution SECTION 6 Player Agent. The Player Agent shall: Record all player transactions and maintain an accurate and up-to-date record thereof.Record all player transactions and maintain an accurate and up-to-date record thereof. Receive and review applications for player candidates and assist the President in verifying residence and age eligibility.Receive and review applications for player candidates and assist the President in verifying residence and age eligibility.
Conduct the tryouts, the player draft and all other player transaction or selection meetings.Conduct the tryouts, the player draft and all other player transaction or selection meetings. Prepare the Player Agent's list.Prepare the Player Agent's list. Prepare for the President's signature and submission to Little League Headquarters, team rosters, including players' claimed, and the tournament team eligibility affidavit.Prepare for the President's signature and submission to Little League Headquarters, team rosters, including players' claimed, and the tournament team eligibility affidavit. Notify Little League Headquarters of any subsequent player replacements or trades.Notify Little League Headquarters of any subsequent player replacements or trades. LL Constitution
To Start with You Need: A Copy of the Latest “Little League Operating Manual” (the White Book) A Copy of the each of the Latest Baseball and Softball “Official Regulations and PLAYING RULES” (the “small” rulebooks)
What’s Next? If you don’t have a copy of “A Year in the Life of Hometown Little League” GET ONE A copy can be downloaded/printed from If you’ve got a copy, READ IT
Player Agent’s Main Role The Player Agent’s job is divided into two main categories.The Player Agent’s job is divided into two main categories. First – Preseason. You are in charge of Registration of ALL players.First – Preseason. You are in charge of Registration of ALL players. Second – Post season. Your main duties will be to prepare the eligibility list for All Star candidates by age. Next you will complete the Tournament Team Affidavits.Second – Post season. Your main duties will be to prepare the eligibility list for All Star candidates by age. Next you will complete the Tournament Team Affidavits.
REGISTRATION Multiple Dates and Times (specify Date of Registration CLOSURE) Contact Last Year’s Players ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE Make Sure EVERYONE Knows Things to POST At Registration: League Boundary Map Tryout Schedule TOC Team Selection Criteria All Star Selection Criteria Budget / Financial Report
REGISTRATION (cont’d) Have “Knowledgeable” Workers at Sign-Ups VERIFY: Players’ AGE (Certified Birth Certificate) Player’s RESIDENCY (against the Map) Need a minimum of 3 of the 16 “Different Types” of Proof of Residence Documents. If the Player’s Parents/Guardian reside If the Player’s Parents/Guardian reside “outside the league boundary” a WAIVER has to be Submitted and Approved BEFORE the Player can Participate
REGISTRATION (cont’d) The PLAYER AGENT is responsible to assist the President in validating the age and residency of all players. OTHER THINGS TO TAKE CARE OF: POOL PLAYER Sign-Ups (can now be used in ALL Divisions) MEMBERSHIP Sign-Ups / Dues / Cards District 17 / Southern Region “DONATIONS” Managers / Coaches / Umpire Sign-Ups (make sure each one fills out a Volunteer Application) Sponsor Solicitations
AFTER REGISTRATION Waiver Forms Regulation II(d) Regulation IV(h) “Other Waivers” Submit to DA Early (Why Wait?) Must be Approved PRIOR to the Player Participating BE VERY CAREFUL: If a player attends Try-Outs and gets Drafted and starts to practice or play and then the Waiver is Disapproved, You may be required to Re-Draft ALL of your Teams if a complaint is filed.
What Else? PRIOR TO TRYOUTS: BOD decides on how to handle Late Sign-Ups (eg: put on Waiting List) Appoint Managers (President) Approve Managers (Board) If there are not enough APPROVED Managers, a BOD Member may attend Try-Outs and may Draft the Team. The Team will be given to the Manager once he/she is Approved
Determine League “Breakdown” Breakdown the List of Registered Players into separate Lists for Baseball and Softball Breakdown the Players by League Age (List of how many of each age in Baseball, how many of each age in Softball) Identify the “Titled” Players for each Competitive League Team (do not need to Try-Out)
Determine League “Breakdown” “RELEASED” Players: Players may only be “Released” with Board Approval (normally the Release Request is from the Manager but the BOD may consider requests from the Player/Parent/Guardian) Identify any Competitive League Players that were “Released” and need notification to Try- Out (make notifications)
How Many Teams? How Many Players? Based on the LISTS: Determine Age Groupings for each Division (BOD decision) 11 – 12 Majors 9 – 10 Minors 6 – Coach/Kid Pitch Determine number of Teams in each Division (BOD decision) Set how many Players there will be on each Team (BOD Decision)
TRYOUTS The Player Agent generates the Player Lists and Ratings Sheets Give a Copy to Each Manager (each Team must be represented) The Player Agent Coordinates / Conducts the Tryout Should Test ALL 5 Skill Areas (bat/bunt, field fly balls, field grounders, throw, and run) To be eligible for the Draft the Player must Attend 50% of the Tryout Sessions
DRAFTS (Method & Options) Make Sure the DRAFT is FAIR BOD to determine Draft Method (if method is not in OM, must get LL Approval) Managers must Pre-Identify “Options” No “Gentlemen’s Agreements” (or “Ladies Agreements” for that matter)
The Player Agent CONDUCTS the Drafts Document and Approve Player Trades and submit for Board Approval Establish Final Waiting Lists (Waiting Lists are not recommended, LL is “For the Kids” so every effort should be taken to assure that ever player that registered on time gets to play. Late registrations can be placed on a Waiting List) DRAFTS (Trades & Lists)
ROSTERS ROSTERS Make sure they are Accurate Submit to Williamsport (Via LL Data Center) Copy to DA (If requested) DUE no later than 14 Days after the First Scheduled Game
PLAYER TRANSACTIONS Maintain the Player List and All Player Records.Maintain the Player List and All Player Records. Once Rosters are set and the Season Starts, the Player Agent is responsible for “Monitoring” the number of Players on each team and Coordinating Player Replacements. (All Player Replacements must be coordinated by the Player Agent – NOT by the Affected Manager)Once Rosters are set and the Season Starts, the Player Agent is responsible for “Monitoring” the number of Players on each team and Coordinating Player Replacements. (All Player Replacements must be coordinated by the Player Agent – NOT by the Affected Manager)
PLAYER TRANSACTIONS In General, the Manager will notify the Player Agent of the need for a Replacement Player.In General, the Manager will notify the Player Agent of the need for a Replacement Player. If there is a Waiting List, the next Player SHALL be assigned.If there is a Waiting List, the next Player SHALL be assigned. If there is a Minor League, the Manager may request a player be “called-up”. The Player Agent will coordinate this effort (ensuring all age limits / requirements are followed.If there is a Minor League, the Manager may request a player be “called-up”. The Player Agent will coordinate this effort (ensuring all age limits / requirements are followed.
POOL PLAYERS Reg V (c) A pool of players from existing regular season teams can be created with players that are willing to participate in extra games during the regular season when teams are faced with a shortage of rostered players for a regular season game.
POOL PLAYERS What does it Mean? 1. 1.Every regular season player is entitled to be a Pool Player if he/she wants Pool players can only be used when a team has a “shortage” of players (if a team already has 10 or 11 players for a game, they shouldn’t be assigned any Pool players).
POOL PLAYERS Guidelines The Player Agent will create and run the Pool Player Pool. The Player Agent will use the pool to assign players on a “rotating basis” to specific games when teams are short players.
Managers/Coaches MAY NOT pick / choose players from the pool to play for them in any game / games Managers/Coaches using Pool Players NOT Assigned by the Player Agent will be subject to Disciplinary Action by the BOD POOL PLAYERS
ALL STARS Oversee the Selection of All Star Players in accordance with the League Guidelines / Bylaws Assure the Selection is FAIR to ALL PLAYERS
ALL STARS Compile the All Star Team Eligibility Affidavit Including Verification of Each Player’s: League Age Residence Game Participation
Got a Problem? IF AT ANY TIME DURING THE SEASON YOU NEED HELP, ASK FOR IT The District Staff is comprised of individuals who have EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE in Little League They are READY TO HELP