Meaning of HRM Importance of HRM Objectives and Functions Role of HRM Duties and responsibilities of hrm Typical organization set up.


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Presentation transcript:

Meaning of HRM Importance of HRM Objectives and Functions Role of HRM Duties and responsibilities of hrm Typical organization set up

Meaning of HRM  Human resource management (HRM) is the management of an organization's employees.  This includes employment and settlement in accord with the law, and with a company's directives.

According to Edwin B. Flippo, “Planning, Organizing, Directing and controlling of procurement,development, competition, integration, maintenance and separation of human resource to the end that individual, organizational and social objectives are accomplish”.

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I MPORTANCE OF HRM  Objective HRM helps a company to achieve its objective from time to time by creating a positive attitude among workers. Reducing wastage and making maximum use of resources etc.  Facilitates professional growth Due to proper HR policies employees are trained well and this makes them ready for future promotions. Their talent can be utilized not only in the company in which they are currently working but also in other companies which the employees may join in the future.  Better relations between union and management Healthy HRM practices can help the organization to maintain co-ordinal relationship with the unions. Union members start realizing that the company is also interested in the workers and will not go against them therefore chances of going on strike are greatly reduced.

 Helps an individual to work in a team Effective HR practices teach individuals team work and adjustment. The individuals are now very comfortable while working in team thus team work improves.  Identifies person for the future Since employees are constantly trained, they are ready to meet the job requirements. The company is also able to identify potential employees who can be promoted in the future for the top level jobs. Thus one of the advantages of HRM is preparing people for the future.  Allocating the jobs to the right person If proper recruitment and selection methods are followed, the company will be able to select the right people for the right job. When this happens the number of people leaving the job will reduce as the will be satisfied with their job leading to decrease in labour turnover.  Improves the economy Effective HR practices lead to higher profits and better performance by companies due to this the company achieves a chance to enter into new business and start new ventured thus industrial development increases and the economy improves.

OBJECTIVES OF HRM The primary objective of HRM is to ensure the availability of competent and Willing workface to the organization Social Objectives This objective stress upon the ethical and the social responsibilities of organization towards the societies i)To maintain a balance between job vacancy and job seekers by training people for the right job ii) To engage individuals in productive employment so that they can contribute to the society and nation positively iii) Optimum utilization of workforce and elimination of idle workers

2) Organizational Objective The HRM contributes to the effectiveness of the organization to attain the organizational objectives and to attain this objective; it selects the right persons for the right job. i)To help in the achievement of organizational goals and contribute towards overall organizational efficiency ii) To build up a reputation of the enterprise by following ideal work approaches and human resource policies iii) To help in the optimum utilization of workforce by maintaining as high benefit cost ratio of human productivity iv) To increase the value of intellectual capital in the workforce and add value of the organization

3) Professional objectives This objective stress upon HR department should deal activities in the organization in a professional manner. i)To maintain human dignity in all forms of work ii) To grant opportunities for advancement and growth in the organization iii) To promote healthy competition among work groups so as to promote better performance and team spirit iv) To develop skills through guidance whenever necessary v) To allot roles to individuals for which they are more suited.

4) Individual objectives The HR department assists the employees in achieving their personnel goals. The personnel objectives of the employees are recognized, efforts are meet to maintain people in organization, motivate them, appraise the performance and work towards job satisfaction i)To develop a positive attitude and high morale among workers ii) To harness the potential of individuals and utilize their talents to the fullest extent iii) To secure cooperation of workers in the overall organizational development iv) To satisfy the psychological and physiological needs of employees and make them climb the need hierarchy

F UNCTIONS Human Resource Planning Recruitment & Selection Compensation & Benefits Performance Appraisals Training & Development

Personal RoleWelfare RoleClerical RoleLegal Role 1) Advisor1) Research in Personnel and organization problems 1) Time Keeping1)Grievance Handling 2) Man Power Planning 2)Managing Service 2) Salary & Wage Administration 2) Settlement of Disputes 3) Training and Development 3)Grouping dynamics 3)Human Engineering 3)Handling Disciplinary action 4) Measurement o f Performance 4)Joint consultation Roles of HR MANAGER

Staffing Attraction  Selection  Attrition Model Job Description Job Analysis  Qualifications Recruiting, Interviewing HR Development Orientation Socialization Job Training Leadership Development Performance Management Duties and responsibilities

Compensation and Benefits Base Pay Merit Pay/Incentives Employee Ownership Management of Health and Dental Costs Cafeteria Plans Employee Rewards Health, Safety, and Security

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROCESS: HR is a vast field that sets off, builds a strategy, executes and ends with a enduring solution HR in a company is always reachable to each one of them irrespective of the levels HR includes the following processes: 1.Recruitment & selection 2. Training and development 3. Compensation and Benefits 4. Performance Management System 5. Employee relations

i. Recruitment: Develop a pool of qualified applicants. ii. Selection: Determine relative qualifications & potential for a job. iii.Training & Development: Ongoing process to develop worker’s abilities and skills. iv. Performance Management System: Provides information about how to train, motivate, and reward workers. Managers can evaluate and then give feedback to enhance worker performance. v. Employee Relations: Managers need an effective relationship with labor unions that represent workers. Unions help establish pay, and working conditions. vi. Pay and Benefits: High performing employees should be rewarded with raises, bonuses. Increased pay provides additional incentive. Benefits, such as health insurance, reward membership in firm.

MANAGING DIRECTOR HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER Manager Employment Manager Developmen t Manager Salaries Manager Welfare Manager Performance Appraisal Manager Industrial Relation Assistant Clerk Typical organization set up