- The Historical Books: Joshua, Judges, Ruth,1 Samuel,2 Samuel,1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles,2 Chronicles, Ezra,Nehemiah, and Esther (12) Many books of the Bible have history in them, butthese tend to be focused more on the historicalevents. The Jewish people group the historical and poeticbooks together and call it Ketuvim (the writings)
Joshua-the story of God’s people coming into the promised land (Canaan) and conquering it through war.
Judges-God’s people are living in Canaan, but they aren’t living for God. God allows their enemies to attack, and then Israel cries out to God for help.
Ruth-a foreign woman demonstrates her loyalty to her family, and she is blessed by God for it. Ruth and Boaz
1 and 2 Samuel –Israel asks for a King. They get Saul. Saul ends up going crazy. David becomes King then his son, Solomon, afterwards.
1 and 2 Kings –A historical account of all the Kings of Israel and what happened during their reign.
1 and 2 Chronicles–This is another history of the Kings of Israel. It is written from a different perspective focuses on obedience and disobedience to God.
Ezra and Nehemiah– After the exile (Israel’s punishment for disobedience,) Ezra and Nehemiah help rebuild Jerusalem and Israel.
Esther– God works in all events for the good of those who love him. God uses a woman named Esther to save the Jewish people. If I perish, I perish.