EPA National Pollution Prevention Update Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Pollution Prevention Division
What is the P2 Div. Doing? Implement the Pollution Prevention Act and Executive Orders Current P2 Focus : Administer P2 State Grants ($5 Million) Support the P2 Resource Exchange (P2RX) Promote Environmentally Preferable Products Launching Supplier Partnership for the Environment Support Hospitals for a Healthy Environment PBT Program Initiative Promote P2 Integration Revising Strategic Plans and results measures
Revising Strategic Plan Schedule Five Goals: Air, Water, Land, Communities and Ecosystems, Compliance and Stewardship P2 performance targets and measure State results measures TRI data Data from Fed. Agencies on Executive Orders GRI Reporting standards
Strategic Planning Challenges Lack of National Data to show P2 results EPA “stove-pipe” approach to planning Insufficient number outcome result targets and measures Stakeholder involvement in setting goals
How can we measure P2 Results? Measuring program results is an agency priority We need national p2 results data to demonstrate the successes of the P2 programs and to be able to compete for additional resources Many good models for measurement exist NEWMOA Natl. P2 Roundtable Report EPA Reg. 8 Global Reporting Initiative Facility Reporting Program State reporting Sustainability indexes
Outlook for Federal P2 Funding OPPT provides some funding directly to states to support P2 programs OPPT Headquarters provides modest FTE and program dollars to EPA regions for P2 programs Overall outlook for EPA resources is flat or declining P2 programs need to better compete for a limited pot of resources FY 05 budget formulation process begins this in April – we need state involvement in setting program priorities and identifying resource needs
Environmentally Preferable Products Develop demand for greener products and services Reduce government’s environmental footprint Help meet environmental goals through markets rather than mandates
EPP Priority Areas Implement Executive Order – EPP pilots and establishment of active Gov. procurement programs Implement Executive Order and Farm Bill to procure biobased products Current EPA focus is on cleaning products, electronics, green meetings, greening of EPA
EPP Tools EPP Database Identify and compare environmental attributes for key products and services from various information sources Promising practices – case studies incorporating environmental factors into product and service contracts Supporting development of voluntary standards ASTM International Standards Green Seal
Supplier Partnership for the Environment New P2 Partnership between General Motors, EPA, NIST and Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) GM wants to reach their supply chain – improving suppliers footprint enables GM to reduce its footprint and cut costs MEP provides technical assistance with the help of NIST to GM supply chain members Goal to reduce emissions, hazardous and other wastes, energy consumption, water used, etc.
P2 Resource Exchange (P2RX) Consortium of eight regional P2 info. Centers funded partly through EPA grants Centers provide P2 info., networking opportunities, and other services to States Goal is to improve the dissemination of P2 info. Currently a solicitation notice for P2 Network Coordinator