developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY
Welcome to a SET-BC Workshop Using Clicker 6 to Support Students
developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY Agenda: 8:30 a.m.Welcome and Introductions 8:45 a.m.SETT Framework 9:15 a.m.Clicker 6 Demo and User Settings 10:30 a.m. Break 10:45 a.m.Create, Download and Modify Clicker Sets 12:00 p.m.Lunch 12:45 p.m. Make and Take 2:15 p.m. Wrap-up and Evaluation
Goals for Today: Gain a basic understanding of how Clicker 6 can be used to support students with diverse learning needs. Gain practical experience in using Clicker 6 to modify or adapt curriculum content for students.
Is Clicker 6 the Right Tool? Recommended for Elementary students Recommended for Secondary students who are working on modified programs. Not designed to teach new skills. Allows students an alternate means of accessing and demonstrating knowledge of the curriculum.
Case Study
StudentEnvironmentTasksTools The SETT Framework
S tudent What does the student need to be able to do in Reading or Writing that is difficult or impossible for him or her to do independently? What are the student’s abilities? What are the student’s specific challenges?
Questions to Consider: Reading Can your student read at grade-level? Does she have the staying power to read a short chapter in one sitting? What are her listening comprehension skills like? How many sight words does she have?
Questions to Consider: Writing Can your student “keep up” with the class? How legible is her printing? Does she write complete sentences? How is her spelling? Does she like to write?
Sharing and Questions
E nvironment: What are the team’s expectations? What support is available to the student and the staff? What are the physical and instructional arrangements in the classroom? Is Clicker 6 already present in the classroom/school?
T asks: What specific tasks must be accomplished for the student to be actively involved in the classroom?
T ools: Does the student need easy access to Clicker 6 in order to complete these tasks? Assess the effectiveness of Clicker 6 over the short-, medium- and long-term.
Introduction to Clicker 6 What is Clicker 6? How Does Clicker 6 support learning? How do I set up Clicker 6 for a student?
What is Clicker 6? Literacy Support Tool Features Include: Quick Start menu for independent access to activities Talking word processor with realistic speech feedback Intelligent word prediction Built-in illustration and paint tools Built-in access to Clicker Sets
Quick Start Menu Easy Student Access User Selection Start writing Make a book Recent files and favourites Templates and wizards Files Tab
Talking Word Processor Text to speech provides verbal feedback on a student’s writing. Encourages use of punctuation. Facilitates self-correction.
Word Prediction Predictor suggests words using contextual as well as spelling clues. Can be customized to match student need.
Clicker Paint Integrated into the writer Independent access to paint tools, photos, clip art, and the web cam for students to illustrate their work.
Setting up Users Adjusting User Preferences Document Speech Media Clicker Set Predictor Look and Feel Export User Options
Clicker Sets Support writing across the curriculum with quick access words, phrases and pictures. Support comprehension. Can support learners of all abilities.
Quick Grid Wizards Quick and Easy Create custom Clicker Sets. Picture Banks Sentence Building Word Banks *Remember to follow the red lightning bolt
Curriculum SET Downloadable Clicker Grid Sets covering a wide variety of B.C. curriculum areas. Search by curriculum area, grade level, or keyword. Activities can be edited once downloaded. Pages/CurriculumSET.aspx
Accessible Books Downloaded from ARC-BC For students with perceptual disabilities. School must have a “hard copy” of the book.
Crick learning Grids Free, ready made Clicker Sets in a wide variety of curriculum topics. Search by curriculum area, keyword, or age Activities can be edited once downloaded. More of a USA focus
Training Resources: SET-BC Learning Centre Tutorials Video Demonstrations resources-2013/ Crick Website 90 Second Training cker-6-training/90-second-videos.aspx
Make and Take clicker-6-resources-2013/ clicker-6-resources-2013/
developing PARTNERSHIPS building CAPACITY supporting STUDENTS implementing TECHNOLOGY