A simple tool for a complex job INDISTAR
Learning Outcomes As a result of this training, participants will be able to… Navigate the Wisconsin Indistar Web-based Tool for Continuous Improvement Use the Tool for Continuous Improvement in order to assess, plan, and monitor implementation Support and monitor the continuous improvement process using Indistar
Web-based Assessment, planning and monitoring Database of research Tool for school improvement What is it?
School improvement is complicated…
LOTS of people want to help… School State Level Classroom Level School Board District Leadership LegislatorsBusinessCommunity Local Government Service Providers ResearchersParents Support Staff
How can we stay on track? The School Improvement Plan RtICommon Core High Quality Instruction Balanced Assessment Professional Learning Communities Leadership & Organizational Structure Multi-level Intervention System Parental Involvement PBIS Culturally Responsive Instruction
Look Familiar?
Indistar is… A navigational tool for school improvement. A tool that guides everyone in the same direction.
Which means… Roles are Clear Purpose is Shared Effort is Aligned Partnerships Prevail Change is Sustained
The big picture Where am I and Where am I going? The path to your destination The route you’ll take, how well you’re doing along the way, and any “re-calculating” So Happy Together… Indistar: Needs Assessment by LTP
One last word about purpose…
Feedback Is the purpose for using the tool clear? Is the relationship between the Needs Assessment and Indistar clear? Any other suggestions?
Key Terms Indicator – Brief statement of research-based best practice related to an area of school improvement Objective: An indicator chosen to be included in a district or school improvement plan. An indicator becomes an objective upon being assessed. Wise Ways – Research-based evidence and examples that help assess each indicator
Key Terms Process Manager – Person responsible for documenting the work of the team by entering information into the Indistar online tool Priority Score – A district’s or school’s assessment of the level of impact an Indicator would have on student achievement if fully implemented Opportunity Score – A district’s or school’s assessment of the level of difficulty to fully implement an indicator
Logging In – Indistar or CenteriiIndistarCenterii
Log-in as a school: Username: Wischoolor WIS7372 Password: Wischoolor wi7372
School and/or District Dashboard Link(s) to Indicators that school’s assess, plan, and monitor Quick access to live reports
School Main Page
Add Team Members
Assessing an Indicator
Tutorial and Help
List of Indicators to Assess
Assess Indicator – Level of Implementation
Assessing an Indicator – Priority Score
Assessing an Indicator – Opportunity Score
Assessing an Indicator – Current Reality
Log-in for Racine Priority Schools Goodland: Username: WIS10471 Password: wi6850 Knapp: Username: WIS10472 Password: wi8000
Guest Log-in for Racine Priority Schools Goodland Guest: Username: guests10471 Password: guests10471 Knapp: Username: guests10472 Password: guests10472
Work Time… Now you try! Find and assess - TM-A03: “ A Leadership Team consisting of the principal, teachers who lead the Instructional Teams, and other professional staff meets regularly (twice a month or more for an hour each meeting).”
Benchmarks LTP will complete the needs assessment After that, your DPI Priority School consultant will be checking in every 2 weeks 25 Indicators assessed by the end of the year. This does not mean fully implemented!
Feedback Is the process of assessing an indicator clear and understandable? Any suggestions, questions, or concerns?
Create a Plan
Objectives List
Action Planning – Part I
Adding tasks
Writing Tasks
Work Time… Now you try! Find the objective TM-A03 Write at least 1 task in your plan
Feedback Is the process of writing tasks clear and understandable? Any suggestions, questions, or concerns?
Monitoring the School Plan
Monitoring Tasks
Selecting a task to monitor
Report Status
Now, you try! Write another task for our objective
Feedback Is the process of monitoring an action plan clear and understandable? Any suggestions, questions, or concerns?
Coaching Comments
Select a Comment to Review/Respond To
Responding to a Coaching Comment
Comprehensive Plan Report
Where Are We Now?
Q & A Are there any other questions?
Feedback Does this training adequately address the intended outcomes for Indistar? Navigating the tool Assessing, planning and monitoring implementation Outside support and monitoring of the continuous improvement process Did this training establish a clear purpose for using Indistar? Any suggestions, questions, or concerns?
Thank you! If you need further assistance with Indistar, or any other aspect of Priority School identification, contact your assigned DPI Priority School consultant: Carolyn Parkinson (608)