IB Arabic Music North Africa and the Middle East
Arabic Region
Arabic Music Influence As we go through this unit you will get to see how Arabic culture influenced surrounding cultures either by trade or conquest. Try to see if you can find some parallels between Arabic music and other music we have studied. We will also see how outside cultures have influenced Arabic music.
Instruments Oud, Rebab, Qanun, Tar, Ney, Riq, Doumbek
Strings Oud Oud Website Website Rabab Qanun Tar
Woodwind Ney
Percussion Riq Riq and DoumbekDoumbek
Western Instruments Often time western instruments are used in Arabic music. The violin, guitar, and oboe are commonly used, as well as rock instruments, drum set, bass, electric guitar. Arabic Jazz is a fusion genre that is quite popular, as well as fusions with rock, reggae, electronica, and r&b.violin guitarJazz reggae
Takht Traditional Ensemble Usually contains Oud, Qanun, Nay, Violin, Riq Sometimes contains other percussion instruments. Example – MMHM Example
Elements of Arabic Music
Elements Maqam Vocal Music Small Ensembles Heterophonic Texture Improvisation Ornamentation
Maqam The maqam (plural maqamat) is the scale system in Arabic music, much like that of a mode. It incorporates quarter tones, which gives it the distinct difference in sound to western music styles. Maqam improvisationimprovisation Wikipedia Maqam Page – Listen to different MaqamatMaqam Page
Vocal Technique May improvise on a maqam the same as an instrument. Use of melisma
Important Websites Worldmusic.net – Middle EastMiddle East Worldmusic.net – Africa (look for N. Africa and Sahara regions)Africa Traditional Arabic Music Arabic Music for Western Musicians Arabic Music for Western Musicians