Richboro Middle School Click the gray circles to start and advance! World History Class
A:B: A sarcophagusA triumph #1 What is this an image of? C:D: A gladiatorAn urn
D. An urn Go
A:B: A sarcophagusAn urn #2 What is shown here? C:D: A triumphA necropolis
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A sarcophagus
A:B: A necropolisA triumph #3 What is shown here? C:D: An archThe Cloaca Maxima
A triumph
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A:B: A necropolisA catacomb #4 What is this an image of? C:D: An archGladiator Games
An arch
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A:B: Mediterranean SeaAdriatic Sea #5 What sea does the Tiber River flow into? C:D: Aegean SeaTyrrhenian Sea
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A:B: Cloaca MaximaPalatine #6 The sewage system built by the Etruscans in Rome is called the … C:D: ForumFasces
Cloaca Maxima
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A:B: GreeceLydia #7 Many historians feel the Etruscans came to Italy from… C:D: RussiaAfrica
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A:B: FarmersKings #8 In the Etruscan social order who would be in the middle class? C:D: Priests Slaves
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A:B: DemocracyRepublic #9 When the Etruscan kings were thrown out of Rome what form of government did the Romans Create? C:D: MonarchyOligarchy
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A:B: AmuliusRomulus #10 Who was the last King of Rome? C:D: AeneasLucius Tarquinius Superbus
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Lucius Tarquinius Superbus
A:B: SoothsayersOmens #11 What were the events or signs Etruscans and Romans interpreted as signs for the future? C:D: Fasces Catacombs
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A:B: CatacombsFasces #12 What are the symbols of authority that the Romans kept from the Etruscans? C:D: ForumSoothsayers
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A:B: SewersForums #13 What did the Etruscans create to remove waste from Rome? C:D: TriumphsFasces
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A:B: SoothsayersTriumphs #14 What were slaves who fought to honor dead Etruscans called? C:D: Cloaca MaximaGladiators
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A:B: RomulusAugustus #15 ______ is to The Aeneid as Homer is to The Iliad. C:D: VirgilAeneas
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