Early European Explorers
Need a NEW Water Route to Asia ► WHY? – Italians had a monopoly on the Mediterranean Sea (military) Too dangerous to go by land ► Caravel – (Prince Henry – Portuguese) ship with triangular and square sails allowed the boat to sail into the wind ► July 1488 – Bartolomeu Dias (Portuguese) reached southern tip of Africa
Water Route to Asia ► 1498 – Vasco da Gama Sailed to southern tip of Africa and then north and sailed across the Indian Ocean ► IMPORTANCE? – ALL WATER ROUTE TO ASIA
Columbus’s Plan ► Italian Sailor – thought he knew a faster way ► Plan: Sail WEST across the Atlantic thought it was shorter ► Mistakes – Followed writings of others WRONG about size of Asia Underestimated the distance around the world – thought it was 1/3 smaller
Help From Spain’s Rulers King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella ► Support Wanted to share in the riches Wanted to spread Christianity ► Against Royal counsel doubted his calculations In the middle of a war against the Muslims to drive them out of Spain Columbus wanted a high payment
Day of Opportunity ► January 1492 – Spanish conquered the last Muslim stronghold in Spain Still had doubts about sending Columbus Finally allowed him to go!!!!
Setting Sail ► Difficulty finding a crew ► August 3 rd, Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria left the port of Palos de la Fontera in southern Spain ► Two Log Books – 1. Shared with men 2. Secret – held the truth about the journey
Returning Home? ► October 10 th, 1492 – Men lost courage and wanted to return home (at sea for 10 weeks) Columbus made a bargain – sail for three more days and then return home if hadn’t spotted land ► October 12 th, 1492 – “Tierra, Tierra” “Land, Land!” Two days later, sailor on the Pinta saw land
Reaching the Americas ► Greeted by Natives – called them Indians because Columbus thought he had landed in the Indies ► San Salvador and Espanola – traveled looking for Japan ► Relationship with Taino people – BAD angered the Tainos by stealing and committing violence against them
An Expanding Horizon ► Four more voyages to the Americas – Never brought back treasures After 4 th voyage Spain refused to fund anymore trips ► Queen Isabella’s Goal – FAILED Upset that Columbus had mistreated and enslaved the Taino people
Columbus’ Legacy
► 1506 Columbus died thinking he had reached Asia – but also thinking he was a failure ► Changed the way Europeans viewed the world ► The ocean became a bridge that connected Europe, Africa, and the Americas. ► Began an era of great wealth and power for Spain