Fall of the Roman Empire Western Europe becomes isolated (Middle Ages) Weakened Centralized governments Feudalism Manorialism Economic improvements by 1000 Plow and horse collar Revival of trade (Growth from )
Church - Struggled mightily after the fall of Rome to maintain order Impact of Crusades Contact with other cultures Influences on trade
New desire for exploration Decline of feudalism Increased wealth for monarchies Growth of four strong states (England, Portugal, Spain, France) Renaissance Coincided with growth of unified kingdoms Rediscovery of ancient scholars New technology needed for travel Astrolabe Compass Lateen Sails Caravel
First Europeans to find a sea route to Asia Prince Henry of Portugal (Henry the Navigator) Mapping of West Africa – 1420 Dias – reaches southern tip of Africa (1488) Vasco da Gama – sails around Africa (1497)
Vikings Leif Ericsson Failure to settle permanently Spain Christopher Columbus Ptolemy’s map Underestimated the size of the earth Portugal refused support Spain – Convert people to Catholicism Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria Thought he was in Asia Natives thought they had been sent by gods
Men left behind in Hispaniola had been killed New colony inhabited by wealthy. Would not do manual labor. Forced locals to work gold mines Third Voyage – discovered South America Fourth Voyage – mapped out coast from Guatemala to Panama
Line of Demarcation (Portugal) Treaty of Tordesillas Portugal – Route around Africa, Brazil Spain – Americas
Amerigo Vespucci Juan Ponce de Leon Vasco de Balboa Ferdinand Magellan Determined Americas were not part of Asia Discovered Florida First European to see the Pacific from the American Coast Died in the Phillipines during his crews successful circumnavigation of the globe.