Isabella and Ferdinand
Background Isabella and Ferdinand oversaw the Inquisition in 1478 Isabella and Ferdinand oversaw the Inquisition in 1478 They oversaw the fall of Granada, a Muslim stronghold in 1492 They oversaw the fall of Granada, a Muslim stronghold in 1492 This allowed them to focus their attentions on exploration This allowed them to focus their attentions on exploration
Christopher Columbus Isabella and Ferdinand gave Columbus the OK and he set sail on August 3 rd, 1492 Isabella and Ferdinand gave Columbus the OK and he set sail on August 3 rd, 1492 He set sail on the Santa Maria, Nina and Pinta He set sail on the Santa Maria, Nina and Pinta He landed in the Bahamas (what he thought was Asia) on October 12 th 1492 and called the island San Salvador He landed in the Bahamas (what he thought was Asia) on October 12 th 1492 and called the island San Salvador
Christopher ChristopherColumbus
Columbus explored northern Cuba Columbus explored northern Cuba Explored Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti) and accidentally brought disease to the Natives Explored Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti) and accidentally brought disease to the Natives Columbus set sail and arrived back in Spain March 15 th, 1493 with slaves and gold Columbus set sail and arrived back in Spain March 15 th, 1493 with slaves and gold
Results for Spain Spain entered a Golden Age for exploration Spain entered a Golden Age for exploration Spain signed the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 Spain signed the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 Spain and Portugal divided up land
Spain was west; Portugal was east of 46’37 Spain was west; Portugal was east of 46’37
More Exploration Ferdinand Magellan will circumnavigate the globe in 1520 Ferdinand Magellan will circumnavigate the globe in 1520 Hernan Cortes invaded Mexico in 1518 Hernan Cortes invaded Mexico in 1518 Francisco Coronado discovered the Grand Canyon from Francisco Coronado discovered the Grand Canyon from Francisco Pizzaro conquers the Inca Empire (Peru) in 1532 Francisco Pizzaro conquers the Inca Empire (Peru) in 1532
Writing Assignment Based on the notes and quiz you took, you must defend one of the following: Based on the notes and quiz you took, you must defend one of the following: Columbus Day should be celebrated or… Columbus Day should not be celebrated You need at least fifteen sentences supporting your position