CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS Main Idea: Christopher Columbus sailed to the islands of the west Indies to reach Asia.
CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS Born in 1451 He studied navigation. He believed he could reach Asia by a new route. (He wanted to sail west across the Atlantic Ocean, instead of south around Africa.)
KING FERDINAND AND QUEEN ISABELLA Joint monarchs of Spain who funded Christopher Columbus’ voyages. They hoped to make money from the gold and spices Columbus would find. They wanted to spread their religion, Roman Catholicism.
RECONQUISTA The term to describe Spain’s fight to take back southern Spain from the North African Muslims.
COLUMBUS SAILS WEST He set sail from Palos, Spain on August 3, 90 men went with him. They saw land on October, 12, The crew landed on an island in the Bahamas.
THE NINA, THE PINTA AND THE SANTA MARIA The three ships Columbus traveled in 1492.
THE WEST INDIES Islands in the Caribbean. Columbus mistakenly believed he had reached the coast off of Asia, near India. He named the people living there Indians. Islands in the Caribbean. Columbus mistakenly believed he had reached the coast off of Asia, near India. He named the people living there Indians.
TAINO The people of the Caribbean. More than 600,000 lived there at the time of Columbus’ visit.
THE COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE Main Idea: Columbus carried new plants and animals to and from the Americas and Europe.
SETTLEMENT A settlement is a small community of people living in a new place.
THE COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE The movement of plants, animals, and people between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.
EPIDEMIC Epidemic: is an outbreak of disease that spreads quickly and affects many people. Within 50 years of Columbus’ arrival, almost no Taino people were left.
EXPLORATION CONTINUES Pedro Alvares Cabral: explored eastern South America in 1500 and claimed it for Portugal.
Amerigo Vespucci: An Italian who made several voyages to South America and the Caribbean. (America is named after him.)
Vasco Núñez de Balboa: sailed to present day Panama in Central America. In 1513, he crossed the mountains and jungles of Panama and reached the Pacific Ocean.
Ferdinand Magellan: Portuguese soldier and sailor Sailed for Spain First to circumnavigate the world. He named the Pacific Ocean, which means “peaceful”
CIRCUMNAVIGATE circumnavigate is to sail completely around something.