Ancient Indian Empires Chapter 3 Sections 4 & 5
Indian Kingdoms By the early 500’s B.C., 16 kingdoms existed in northern India alone –Most powerful: Magadha until 320 B.C.
Mauryan Empire Established by Chandragupta Maurya –Built a grand palace at Pataliputra on the Ganges River –Raised an army of 600,000 soldiers Equipped with chariots and elephants –Conquered all of NW India –Standardized weights for the empire –Established standards for physicians
Chandragupta Maurya Had many enemies –Slept in a different room each night for fear of being assassinated Finally gave up the throne in 300 B.C.
Asoka Chandragupta’s grandson –Came to power in 270 B.C. Even better than gramps –Greatly enlarged the empire 1 st imperial dynasty to hold nearly all of India Became sickened from all the bloody battles –Ordered an end to killing and became a Buddhist –Greatly spread the Buddhist faith in India and other countries
Asoka Read quote on p. 67 –What does it mean? Worked to improve living conditions: –Planted trees on roads for shade –Dug wells and created rest houses –Build animal hospitals and created laws to punish those who were cruel to animals
End of the Mauryans Asoka died in 232 B.C. –Sons battled for control of the throne –Invaders attacked from the north and the east Last Mauryan emperor was killed by his own general in 184 B.C.
The Gupta Rulers Chandra Gupta I founded the Gupta Empire –Expanded territory through conquest and intermarriage –See map on p. 68 Favored Hinduism (dominant religion) –Accepted Buddhism Chandragupta II reigned from A.D –Golden Age: much prosperity and great progress in the arts
End of the Guptas Invaders from central Asia crossed into India in the late A.D. 400s –Last great Gupta king, Skanda Gupta, used all resources to defend the empire Gupta rule ended by A.D. 550
Ancient Indian Life and Culture Economy –The majority of people barely got by –Most people made a living through farming –Many traded with foreign countries Silk, wool, ivory, and spices Society –Hindu customs gave women some protections Women did not have the same rights as men
Society Hindu Laws of Manu –Written between 200 B.C. and 200 A.D. Girls required to obey fathers/husbands Widows expected to obey their sons Prohibited women from owning property or studying sacred writings, such as the Vedas Men allowed more than one wife (polygyny) Suttee: widows would commit suicide by throwing themselves on top of their husbands’ flaming funeral pyres –Usually required by upper castes
Cultural Achievements Stories –Panchatantra, “Five Books” Fables with morals Plays –Always ended happily Architecture –Shrines, temples, and pillars Education –Nalanda: Famous Buddhist university Students attended for free
Cultural Achievements Math –Aryabhata: one of the first to use algebra and solve quadratic equations Astronomy –Predicted eclipses and identified 7 planets Medicine –Very advanced –Performed bone setting and plastic surgery –Practiced inoculation against smallpox –Free, clean hospitals in the A.D. 400’s!
Activity Imagine you live in ancient India: –Choose one of the following: Option 1: Write a diary entry describing your feelings about the inequities for women in the ancient Indian society. –Do you agree with it? –How has it affected your life? Option 2: Write a diary entry about how one of the ancient Indian achievements has affected your life. –How is life easier? –Has it changed how you perform your job? –At least 7 sentences –10 pts
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