Exam Review
* Content: We will be able to identify what areas of this unit that we need to review over the weekend. * Language: We will be able to discuss what a full points FRQ looks like.
* You will have 10 minutes for this quiz. * You may write your answers directly on the quiz. * We will grade this in class once everyone is done.
* In your group make a list of everything you should do in order to receive full points on your FRQ * We will make a master list on the board as a whole class * FRQ Worksheet: 1. Mark the question words and define them below the question. * We will go over these words as a class 2. Complete a quick pre-write for each question. * You are not writing a full answer.
* Each table needs a phone or computer!
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* Population Clusters * Population Density * Population Growth * Population Structure * The Demographic Transition * Malthus on Overpopulation * Population Futures * Epidemiologic Transition * Infectious Diseases * Health Care * Distance/Patterns * U.S. Immigration Patterns * Interregional Migration * Intraregional Migration * Reasons for Migrating * Migrating to Find Work * Controlling Migration * Unauthorized Migration * Attitudes toward Immigrants
* page21.html page21.html
* Monday, Oct. 19 th * 50 Multiple Choice Questions * 40 minutes * 2 Free Response Questions * 45 minutes * Bring a blue or black pen!
* How prepared do you feel for our exam on Monday? What do you need to do in order to feel better prepared?