What makes up a computer. By Miranda, Ally and Eloise.
MOTHERBOARD The Motherboard is the like base of the computer because it’s where all the parts of the computer connect together. You can add things and remove things. There is also an expansion slot attached to the motherboard to add extra parts like computer chips and other various things.
CPU CPU means the central processing unit It is found on the motherboard. It processes and calculates everything and the faster they are the quicker they process the information.
Memory THE RAM There are two parts to the memory. The first part is the RAM (Random Access Memory) It stores whatever you’re working on at that point in time.
MEMORY THE STORAGE The storage part of the memory stores all the stuff that you aren’t using. It is like a hard drive but stores all the memory such as music, games and movies.
Operating System The operating system is the software that controls how you access, view and use your files. Type of software's include Windows and iOS.
Connectivity The connectivity in the computer connects you with wireless connections 3G, 4G and wifi. You can also use things such as air printers.
Input Input puts real things from the real world into the computer. Eg. A keyboard, camera, USB, a microphone and a portable hard drive.
Output Output is the exact opposite from input. It’s things from the computer transported to the real world. eg. Screens, speakers, printers, projectors and a touch screen is both input and output.
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