Unit Commanders' Course1 Motivation Main Points –Definition of motivation –Why motivation is important –Maslow’s hierarchy of needs –Motivational techniques for members
Unit Commanders' Course2 Motivation Overview This segment is designed to impress upon you the importance of motivating your members, how motivation takes place, and showing you techniques to motivate your people more effectively.
Unit Commanders' Course3 Motivation Participants will: define motivation in their own words discuss why motivation is important to the CAP unit Describe Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Identify motivational techniques for members
Unit Commanders' Course4 Motivation A key to your effectiveness as a commander is the ability to build in members support for the squadron’s objectives and have them work towards that goal. This is “motivation.”
Unit Commanders' Course5 Motivation Motivation authority defined: The act and art of creating an atmosphere where your members will want to achieve the objectives which are set for them.
Unit Commanders' Course6 Motivation Why motivate your people? All people have an inner drive guiding what they do. Everything is done for survival, protection, or pleasure. Motivation is the factor which sets leadership apart from management. People make choices, and motivation is a key factor. People want to have goals.
Unit Commanders' Course7 Motivation Motivation builds: Trust. Teamwork. A unified effort towards achieving squadron objectives.
Unit Commanders' Course8 Motivation Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Level I - Physiological needs Level II - Safety (security) needs Level III - Social needs Level IV - Esteem needs Level V - Self fulfillment (self-actualization)
Unit Commanders' Course9 Motivation Motivational techniques for members Ensure their physiological needs are met. Create and sustain a feeling of self- confidence in members Provide adequate guidance Recognize the uniqueness of individual members
Unit Commanders' Course10 Motivation Motivational Techniques for members (Cont’d) Accentuate the positive Practice participative management Listen Be loyal to your members Respect your members Say “Thank you.”
Unit Commanders' Course11 Motivation Questions & Answers