Motivation is made up of internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested in and committed to a job, role or subject, and to exert persistent effort in attaining a goal. An effective teacher will ensure lesson designs engage the students’, creating authentic tasks that capture their interest and help create self motivation There are many ways to motivate our students to engage in the lesson. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is one of the ways to help understand what is needed to help motivate students. Self-assessment, self-evaluation and self-goals is another way to help students to achieve and understand their own learning. By understanding that there is intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, this will help us as teachers determine what might be needed to engage our students in the lesson.
Needs for Self- Actualization Needs for Esteem Needs of Love, Affection and Belongingness Safety Needs Physiological Needs Deficiency Needs Growth Needs Motivation decreases as needs are met Motivation increases as needs are met
“Students who are taught self-evaluation skills are more likely to persist on difficult tasks, be more confident about their ability, and take greater responsibility for their own work” (McMillan, Hearn 2008 p.42). Reduced scaffolding from teacher Skills learnt for life Encouraging autonomy Students recognise their own errors
“Self- assessment occurs when students judge their own work to improve performance as they identify discrepancies between current and desired performance” (McMillan, Hearn 2008 p.40). Assessing personal work Recognise own discrepancies Learning what is required to meet the desired outcome
“Providing clear steps enables them to reach their goals and result in higher level of self- efficacy” (McMillan, Hearn 2008 p.45). To be able to set one’s own goals To successfully achieve one’s goals Making students aware of their capabilities Intrinsic Motivation (self motivation)
“Students who are strongly motivated to work on challenging task, often on their own, are likely to be student who are confident about their own self- worth” (Marsh, 2008 p. 34). Self motivation Willing to learn Able to access prior knowledge More success
“The perspective teacher will always demonstrate why he/she is using external motivation and this can encourage students to become more confident and independent and hence more likely in the long term to become intrinsically motivated.” (Marsh, 2008 p. 35). External factors come in to play Rewards and incentives for completing the task More encouragement needed Needs more success