State of Nature 2015 Overview of results & available products from articles 12 & 17 reports ( ) Carlos Romão | Eionet – NRC Biodiversity November 2015
Reporting under the Nature Directives – State of Nature The largest and most comprehensive assessment of biodiversity components at the EU level Conservation status, trends, distribution, pressures Over species of animals and plants 231 habitat types (forests, grasslands, bogs,…) Across 27 Member States, 9 biogeographical and 4 marine regions
Main European publications
Main products: reporting cycle State of Nature websites (EEA-ETC/BD, DG Environment) –SoN: –Art.17: –Art.12: Tabular and GIS full data sets (EEA data service) National summaries (CIRCABC) Web viewers Species & Habitats data sheets Integration of nature reporting data into EUNIS & BISE
Breeding bird populations by MS Short-term trends 5
Status and trends of bird species - EU Over half are secure Close to one third are threatened or declining There are more non-secure species further declining (20 %) than increasing (4 %) Farmland birds (e.g. Skylark) still declining, but less in Natura 2000 Bird species communities more diverse and abundant within Natura 2000
Conservation status and trends by MS 7 Species Habitats Directive
Status and trends of other animal and plant species - EU Less than one quarter are favourable About 60 % unfavourable There are more unfavourable species further declining (20 %) than improving (4 %) Unfavourable species better covered by Natura 2000 declined less than those poorly covered and had more stable populations Several species have made significant recoveries: Otter, ungulates (ibex, chamois)
9 Habitat types Conservation status and trends by MS
Status and trends of habitat types - EU Less than one sixth are favourable Over two thirds are unfavourable There are more unfavourable habitats further deteriorating (30 %) than improving (4 %) Dunes, bogs, grasslands particularly bad Heathlands, rocky habitats better status Unfavourable habitats better covered by Natura 2000 deteriorated less than those poorly covered
Main pressures reported by Member States Agriculture Intensification: pesticides, nutrients, overgrazing Abandonment: lack of management, undergrazing Forestry – intensive management, afforestation Changes in rivers Dams, dykes, canalisation Water abstraction and deviation Urbanisation, grey infrastructure
Major input into policy processes Fitness Check of EU Nature Legislation (Birds & Habitats Directives) EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 – mid-term review –Target 1,conserving & restoring nature –Target 3a & 3b, ensuring sustainability (agriculture, forestry)
Major input into other processes The European environment – state and outlook 2015 (SOER2015, EEA) Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES), Target 2 European ecosystem assessment – concept, data, and implementation (EEA Technical report No 6/2015) State of Europe's seas (EEA Report No 2/2015), linked to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Dedicated national publications Austria Belgium Denmark France Germany Ireland Italy Sweden United Kingdom ?
The EU nature reporting Increasing policy relevance and use at both EU and national levels Major driver in shifting from 'process oriented' to 'outcome oriented' policies and strategies Significant data gaps still exist, further harmonisation needed: consolidate credibility Requires significant efforts at national level, but it is worthwhile and fundamental
Next reporting cycle ( ) Delivery Art. 12: 31 Dec (tbc) Delivery Art. 17: 30 Jun (tbc) IT tools & CDR: mid 2018 IT developments: Final Guidelines: end 2016 Reporting Formats & draft Guidelines: end 2015
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