Dee Bates Austin Toledo Brookings Wauna Westport Dallas Coos Bay/Marshfiel d Powers Wheeler Cochran Timber Reedsport Medford Ashland Bend Enright Salmonb erry Mayo Prinevill e Seneca Hines Lakevie w Gilchrist Kirk Olney Klamath Falls Row River Cottage Grove Black Rock Mill City Oakridge Elgin Pilot Rock Vernonia Keasey Banks Manning Carlton Westfir
Oregon Historical Society (Southern Pacific Oregon Archives, Brooks-Scanlon Collection et al.) National Historical Railway Society (PNW Chapter) Oregon Department of Forestry Sumpter Valley Railroad Museum High Desert Museum OSU Forestry Department State of Oregon Archives Southern Oregon University Library USFS Matt Wolford Glen Comstock Lloyd Palmer Oregon Green Gold Dale Jost, M.D. Kamholz Collection
Historical Railroad Proposed FIT Standard
Historical Railroad Proposed FIT Standard