GMS Elimination Training Chiang Mai 14 th August 2015 Deyer Gopinath ENGAGING COMMUNITIES
Assess Rapid assessment - PRA, FG, IDI, RDS on malaria/health - Coverage and utilization [bed net, hammock net, repellent] - availability and access [early diagnosis and treatment ] - mobility patterns [temporal- spatial] BCC strategy mobility pathway: - Social network (eg. among and within mobile groups) - mobile vendors - private sector (informal and formal) - outreach: malaria post, mobile clinics etc - work site workforce - transit sites (border towns/villages, shops etc) residence**: - VMW/VHW/VMV/VHV at place of origin [pre departure] village healer - village TBA worksite: - PMW - worksite trained/untrained nurse/nurse-aid, paramedic - health worker BCC method - household/individual education [all at risk] - household/individual education [case based] - peer education - positive deviance Measure BCC indicators* FG=Focus Group; IDI= in depth interview; RDS= Respondent Driven Sampling; PMW: Plantation malaria worker [CNM, PSI Cambodia] *could include but not exclusive to these indicators: as in [1[: Source: Framework to Monitor and Evaluate Emergency Response to Artemisinin Resistance and Progress Towards Malaria Elimination in the Greater Mekong Subregion: ENGAGING COMMUNITIES
Intersectoral initiatives: LAO PDR experience: What has been tried, what worked and what not 1. Both ad hoc/responsive and planned engagement with major project developers to engage in malaria preventive and curative interventions among their workforce - mix responses 2. High level agencies engaged – Prime Minister’s office, provincial governors, major funders/donors/bilaterals/military - responsive, interested, complicated, needs a champion 3. Reaching out to multisectoral agencies – gov. planning bodies etc for related info, ie –forestry, planning and investment, labour, etc. Holistic’ approach to surveillance to include economic, social, population migration info etc for malaria planning - engaging but stops short of formal agreements/processes 4. Cross border stakeholder involvement - complicated, sensitive, some progress now with military
Important to realize that there is no one-size-fits-all solution Policies/Law - labour, migration, environment safeguards Malaria elimination: strategies need to be not just responsive but more anticipatory (risk mitigation) – involving understanding of:the influence of land use change and: Economic Agricultural, and Environmental planning bodies, Requires current and anticipated dynamics of the local area (what are the social, economic and environmental determinants with the most significance to malaria?) Access to malaria services – public-private partnerships (PPM) A research, monitoring and evaluation component should be included. The articulation of an endorsed and validated results framework with key indicators for monitoring multisectoral engagement activities Take home points