Collaborative Filtering with Temporal Dynamics Yehuda Koren Yahoo! Israel KDD 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Collaborative Filtering with Temporal Dynamics Yehuda Koren Yahoo! Israel KDD 2009

Where it all begins … 很久很久以前

Where it all begins … 很久很久以前 (2006)

Where it all begins … 很久很久以前 (2006)

Where it all begins …

Given (Kevin, Avatar, 2009/12/20, ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ) (Coca, 2012, 2009/12/10, ★ ★ ★ ★ ) Predict (Kevin, District 9, 2009/12/18, ?????)

Corpus Training Dec 31, 1999 – Dec 31, million ratings 500 thousand users 17,770 movies Testing 1.4 million ratings

How do I participate?

The $1,000,000 Winner is … BellKor ’ s Pragmatic Chaos

The $1,000,000 Winner is … BellKor ’ s Pragmatic Chaos

The $1,000,000 Winner is … BellKor ’ s Pragmatic Chaos

The $1,000,000 Winner is … BellKor ’ s Pragmatic Chaos Koren Bell = Bob Bell Kor = Koren

圖解 The BellKor Method Temporal

圖解 The BellKor Method Temporal UserMovie

圖解 The BellKor Method Temporal UserMovieInteraction

The Bellkor Function

User ’ s rating of a movie

The Bellkor Function Average movie rating of all movies

The Bellkor Function Movie Temporal Effect

The Bellkor Function User Temporal Effect

The Bellkor Function Interactive Temporal Effect between Users and Movies

Movie Temporal Effect

Time-independent parameter

Movie Temporal Effect Time-dependent parameter; grouped into intervals of 10 weeks

User Temporal Effect

User-independent parameter

User Temporal Effect Temporal trend

User Temporal Effect Daily variability

User-Item Temporal Effect

Matrix Factorization timeSVD++

User-Item Temporal Effect Movie vector

User-Item Temporal Effect Temporal user vector

User-Item Temporal Effect Movies that the user has rated

Computing the Parameters Minimize the squared error of the function over training data

Performance on Quiz Set Netflix ’ s Cinematch: BellKor:

This is only the beginning …