Jae-Kyung Kim, Rosta Farzan, and Peter Brusilovsky 10/30/2008 School of Information Science University of Pittsburgh 1BooksOnline'08
Introduction Motivated by The Million Books project Million books, all pages scanned, are available online What we can do with Million Books? Anytime, anywhere access Federated search Anything else? Can we create a user experience, which takes an advantage from the unique digital nature of the content? 2BooksOnline'08
Our Approach Inspired by two research streams Annotation and active reading Social navigation Collaborative annotation Spatial shared annotations, which opens a way to discussions and collaboration Social group-level navigation support Guiding users to annotations of others Guided users to pages annotated by the community 3BooksOnline'08
Spatial Annotation Interface A Spatial Annotation Interface for Electronic Textbooks build with Million Books approach Staking a space Commenting 4BooksOnline'08
Page-level Navigation Support Visual Cues - annotation background and border Background Style ○ Background filling Ownership ○ Background color Owner’s attitude Border style ○ Border color Positiveness ○ Border thickness # of comments ○ Border stroke Public or personal 5BooksOnline'08
Guiding users to most read and most annotated pages Group-level social wisdom ○ Map Navigation ○ Cell Navigation ○ Page/Annotation Navigation Global Navigation Support 6BooksOnline'08
Encouraging Annotation Annotation-based Social Navigation Support Easy way for students to go back to resources Annotated document is visible on all three levels Distinguish a document with a praised annotation Group level SNS makes individual annotations visible to the whole group My Annotations ○ Let users view all annotations at a glance ○ Filtering by book, date, most visited or praised, keyword, etc 7BooksOnline'08
My Annotations 8BooksOnline'08
Summary What we can do with Million Books? Spatial annotations and social navigation for scanned digital textbooks Treating annotation as community wisdom, encouraging annotations Used for 2 semesters in a college course The number of annotations increased dramatically 9BooksOnline'08
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