New Testament BCM 103 Dr. Dave Mathewson Gordon College/Denver Seminary Exam preparation
Four Gospels Four Gospels Four Gospels What are the major themes and unique emphases of each What are the major themes and unique emphases of each Four separate accounts of Christ (versus a harmonizing them into a single gospel) Four separate accounts of Christ (versus a harmonizing them into a single gospel) Tatian’s Diatessaron (combines all 4 1) church let the 4 stand Tatian’s Diatessaron (combines all 4 1) church let the 4 stand
Four Gospels Matthew: Jesus teacher, new Moses, ancestor of David for Jews and Gentiles, fulfillment of OT Matthew: Jesus teacher, new Moses, ancestor of David for Jews and Gentiles, fulfillment of OT Mark: balances deity and humanity, suffering servant Mark: balances deity and humanity, suffering servant Luke: Jesus as savior, son of David, one having compassion for outcasts Luke: Jesus as savior, son of David, one having compassion for outcasts John: Passover lamb fulfilling OT, Logos, as the Son of God and God himself John: Passover lamb fulfilling OT, Logos, as the Son of God and God himself Distinct voices need to be heard Distinct voices need to be heard
Jesus in the Gospels Generally Humanity – avoiding a docetic Jesus Humanity – avoiding a docetic Jesus Compassion for outcasts – avoiding a popular Jesus Compassion for outcasts – avoiding a popular Jesus Concern for stewardship – avoiding a wealthy Jesus Concern for stewardship – avoiding a wealthy Jesus Concern for community – avoiding an individualistic Jesus Concern for community – avoiding an individualistic Jesus
Acts Introduction: Acts shows Introduction: Acts shows Jesus work continues in his followers Jesus work continues in his followers Bridge between the Gospels and the rest of the NT—epistles (Paul) Bridge between the Gospels and the rest of the NT—epistles (Paul) Acts second part of Luke Acts second part of Luke Key text: 1:8 Isa. 32:15; 43:10, 12; 49:6 Key text: 1:8 Isa. 32:15; 43:10, 12; 49:6
Exam Review