Bible Work Chapter 4 Infancy narratives of Matthew and Luke.


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Presentation transcript:

Bible Work Chapter 4 Infancy narratives of Matthew and Luke

Document # 1Matthew 1:18-25(note* all footnote questions)6 points 1. What is the significance of the word “betrothed” in Matthews account?(2 pt) [1:18] Betrothed to Joseph: betrothal was the first part of the marriage, constituting a man and woman as husband and wife. Subsequent infidelity was considered adultery. The betrothal was followed some months later by the husband’s taking his wife into his home, at which time normal married life began.1:18 Betrothed was like being married except they did not live together for a few months. If they were unfaithful it was considered adultery

2. Why is Joseph considered righteous for wanting to divorce Mary quietly(2 pt) [1:19] A righteous man: as a devout observer of the Mosaic law, Joseph wished to break his union with someone whom he suspected of gross violation of the law. It is commonly said that the law required him to do so, but the texts usually given in support of that view, e.g., Dt 22:20–21 do not clearly pertain to Joseph’s situation. Unwilling to expose her to shame: the penalty for proved adultery was death by stoning; cf. Dt 22:21–23.1:19Dt 22:2021Dt 22:2123 He was a very faith filled Jew who followed the law so for him not to do as the law required was a very serious question

3. What does “the angel of the Lord” mean?(2 pt) [1:20] The angel of the Lord: in the Old Testament a common designation of God in communication with a human being. In a dream: see Mt 2:13, 19, 22. These dreams may be meant to recall the dreams of Joseph, son of Jacob the patriarch (Gn 37:5–11, 19). A closer parallel is the dream of Amram, father of Moses, related by Josephus (Antiquities 2, 9, 3; (par.) 212, 215–16).1:20Mt 2:131922Gn 37:51119 That God is speaking to that person in a dream

Document # 2 Matthew 2:1-123 points 4. Who are the visitors to the baby Jesus in Matthew’s Infancy Narrative? (1 pt.) Magi from the east 5. Why did they not return to Herod?(1 pt.) They had been warned in a dream not to return

6. What did the apparent of a new start mean in ancient times? (2 pt.) corrections to this point 1/6/16 [2:2] We saw his star: it was a common ancient belief that a new star appeared at the time of a ruler’s birth. Matthew also draws upon the Old Testament story of Balaam, who had prophesied that “A star shall advance from Jacob” (Nm 24:17), though there the star means not an astral phenomenon but the king himself.2:2Nm 24:17 That a star appeared when a ruler was born

Document #3Luke 2:1-306 points 7. To whom does the angel of the Lord announce the birth of Jesus to and what is the significance of this group?(2 pt) [2:8–20] The announcement of Jesus’ birth to the shepherds is in keeping with Luke’s theme that the lowly are singled out as the recipients of God’s favors and blessings (see also Lk 1:48, 52).2:820Lk 1:4852 It is announced to the shepherds as they represent that God has special care and blessings for the poor and lowly 8. What does the angel tell this group? (1pt.) Not to be afraid, I have good news, a savor has been born. You will find him in a manger

9. What is the significance in Luke’s gospel of the words savior and Lord? (3 pt.) * [2:11] The basic message of the infancy narrative is contained in the angel’s announcement: this child is savior, Messiah, and Lord. Luke is the only synoptic gospel writer to use the title savior for Jesus (Lk 2:11; Acts 5:31; 13:23; see also Lk 1:69; 19:9; Acts 4:12). As savior, Jesus is looked upon by Luke as the one who rescues humanity from sin and delivers humanity from the condition of alienation from God. The title christos, “Christ,” is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew māšîaḥ, “Messiah,” “anointed one.” Among certain groups in first-century Palestinian Judaism, the title was applied to an expected royal leader from the line of David who would restore the kingdom to Israel (see Acts 1:6). The political overtones of the title are played down in Luke and instead the Messiah of the Lord (Lk 2:26) or the Lord’s anointed is the one who now brings salvation to all humanity, Jew and Gentile (Lk 2:29–32). Lord is the most frequently used title for Jesus in Luke and Acts. In the New Testament it is also applied to Yahweh, as it is in the Old Testament. When used of Jesus it points to his transcendence and dominion over humanity.2:11Lk 2:11Acts 5:3113:23Lk 1:6919:9Acts 4:12Acts 1:6Lk 2:26Lk 2:2932 Jesus will savor all from sin and give us back right relationship with God. Lord show Jesus as a bring salvation not political power

Document #4Matthew 3: points 10. What does “to fulfill all righteousness” mean in Matthew gospel? (2pt.) [3:14–15] This dialogue, peculiar to Matthew, reveals John’s awareness of Jesus’ superiority to him as the mightier one who is coming and who will baptize with the holy Spirit (Mt 3:11). His reluctance to admit Jesus among the sinners whom he is baptizing with water is overcome by Jesus’ response. To fulfill all righteousness: in this gospel to fulfill usually refers to fulfillment of prophecy, and righteousness to moral conduct in conformity with God’s will. Here, however, as in Mt 5:6; 6:33, righteousness seems to mean the saving activity of God. To fulfill all righteousness is to submit to the plan of God for the salvation of the human race. This involves Jesus’ identification with sinners; hence the propriety of his accepting John’s baptism.3:1415Mt 3:11Mt 5:66:33 To fulfill God’s plan to save us Jesus will associated with sinners to show God’s saving actions in Jesus