Workshop Virtual Campuses REVE & VENUS 3 July 2006 eLearning - SOCRATES MINERVA - Concertation meeting Dipoli, Espoo, Finland.


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Presentation transcript:

Workshop Virtual Campuses REVE & VENUS 3 July 2006 eLearning - SOCRATES MINERVA - Concertation meeting Dipoli, Espoo, Finland

Towards a Virtual University for Europe Project overview REVE (Real Virtual Erasmus) To enhance the impact and efficiency of traditional Erasmus programmes  Course activities  Support activities VENUS (Virtual and eMobility for Networking Universities in Society)  Faculty of Extension  International Virtual Seminars  Virtual Summer School

Towards a Virtual University for Europe Blended mobility Virtual mobility as a complement to physical mobility Case: Erasmus Mundus Master Programmes (REVE) “High-quality integrated courses at masters level offered in at least three universities in at least three different European countries”  Selection procedure (Flashmeeting)  Videoconferences

Towards a Virtual University for Europe Localisation issues What?  adaptation of the course to the local needs of the participating students and institutions.  Several aspects REVE  Cinema & Literature Course  International Student Business Challenge VENUS  Combination of virtual elements with local elements

Towards a Virtual University for Europe Virtual mobile students  Access to experts and learning materials far beyond the own campus or geographical area  Access to an international community of learners  Exchange opportunities for those unable to participate in traditional Erasmus

Towards a Virtual University for Europe REVE project website: VENUS project website: Thank you for your attention!