CATCOS PSC-3 Meeting, 15 September 2015 CATCOS Phase 2 Glacier WorkPackage Part UZH - Andes Michael Zemp and Nico Mölg World Glacier Monitoring Service,


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Presentation transcript:

CATCOS PSC-3 Meeting, 15 September 2015 CATCOS Phase 2 Glacier WorkPackage Part UZH - Andes Michael Zemp and Nico Mölg World Glacier Monitoring Service, Department of Geography, University of Zurich Switzerland

CATCOS-2 Actions in South America – COLOMBIA, ECUADOR Service of Heucke Ice Drills from Colombia & Ecuador Photo by J. Ramirez Aerial image 1997 by Instituto Geográfico Militar, EC Erich Heuck München EDA Kurier

CATCOS-2 Actions in South America – COLOMBIA, ECUADOR Colombia: key priorities for last project year Photo by J. Ramirez  Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM)  Observations received  Support the continuation of the glaciological mass balance program  Jointly analyse and publish the glaciological and geodetic data  Remote and on-site twinning  Outreach activities

CATCOS-2 Actions in South America – COLOMBIA, ECUADOR Ecuador: key priorities for last project year Aerial image 1997 by Instituto Geográfico Militar, EC  Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (INAMHI)  Observations received  Support the continuation of the glaciological mass balance program  Complete the geodetic processing  Jointly analyse and publish the glaciological and geodetic data  Remote and on-site twinning  Outreach activities  Jointly analyse geodetic results => PhD Ruben Basantes (EPN)  Jointly analyse glaciological results => Bolivar Caceres (INAMHI) => On-site twinning: Nico Mölg in November (INAMHI)

CATCOS-2 Actions in Central Asia – Summer School, Bolivia ‘Summer School’ on Mass Balance Measurements & Analysis Participants of summer school in Kyrgyzstan 2-8 AUG 2015 La Paz, Bolivia Early July 2016 Announcement on WGMS website Q

CATCOS-2 Actions – Educational and Public Outreach GlacierApp Launch  Event during COP21 in Paris possible  Side event? => DEZA involvement  Promotion? => media release UZH/DEZA  give away article => card game in prep GlacierApp  Map browser  Attribute search  Fact card per glacier  Nearest glaciers  Top trumps game  Imprint

CATCOS-2 Actions in Central Asia – Summer School, KYRGYZSTAN ¡ EN CAMINO !

CATCOS Phase 1 + continue in-situ mass balance observations + geodetic survey for validation/calibration of in-situ series WGMS (2008) international glacier monitoring strategy Key tasks of a glacier observation program  Process understanding (and model calibration)  Regional variability of glacier changes  Representativeness of observation series  Global coverage  Reanalysis of observation series  Assessment of secondary impacts  Free and unrestricted international data sharing  Publication of results in international journals  Outreach activities CATCOS Phase 2 + continue in-situ mass balance observations + reanalysis of obs. series + publication of results + outreach