CATCOS PSC-3 Meeting, 15 September 2015 CATCOS Phase 2 Glacier WorkPackage Part UZH - Andes Michael Zemp and Nico Mölg World Glacier Monitoring Service, Department of Geography, University of Zurich Switzerland
CATCOS-2 Actions in South America – COLOMBIA, ECUADOR Service of Heucke Ice Drills from Colombia & Ecuador Photo by J. Ramirez Aerial image 1997 by Instituto Geográfico Militar, EC Erich Heuck München EDA Kurier
CATCOS-2 Actions in South America – COLOMBIA, ECUADOR Colombia: key priorities for last project year Photo by J. Ramirez Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM) Observations received Support the continuation of the glaciological mass balance program Jointly analyse and publish the glaciological and geodetic data Remote and on-site twinning Outreach activities
CATCOS-2 Actions in South America – COLOMBIA, ECUADOR Ecuador: key priorities for last project year Aerial image 1997 by Instituto Geográfico Militar, EC Instituto Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología (INAMHI) Observations received Support the continuation of the glaciological mass balance program Complete the geodetic processing Jointly analyse and publish the glaciological and geodetic data Remote and on-site twinning Outreach activities Jointly analyse geodetic results => PhD Ruben Basantes (EPN) Jointly analyse glaciological results => Bolivar Caceres (INAMHI) => On-site twinning: Nico Mölg in November (INAMHI)
CATCOS-2 Actions in Central Asia – Summer School, Bolivia ‘Summer School’ on Mass Balance Measurements & Analysis Participants of summer school in Kyrgyzstan 2-8 AUG 2015 La Paz, Bolivia Early July 2016 Announcement on WGMS website Q
CATCOS-2 Actions – Educational and Public Outreach GlacierApp Launch Event during COP21 in Paris possible Side event? => DEZA involvement Promotion? => media release UZH/DEZA give away article => card game in prep GlacierApp Map browser Attribute search Fact card per glacier Nearest glaciers Top trumps game Imprint
CATCOS-2 Actions in Central Asia – Summer School, KYRGYZSTAN ¡ EN CAMINO !
CATCOS Phase 1 + continue in-situ mass balance observations + geodetic survey for validation/calibration of in-situ series WGMS (2008) international glacier monitoring strategy Key tasks of a glacier observation program Process understanding (and model calibration) Regional variability of glacier changes Representativeness of observation series Global coverage Reanalysis of observation series Assessment of secondary impacts Free and unrestricted international data sharing Publication of results in international journals Outreach activities CATCOS Phase 2 + continue in-situ mass balance observations + reanalysis of obs. series + publication of results + outreach