Technology been the focus: Scope for maturing upon process\methods: ◦ End-User Training, Content development This year to prototype ICT applications as a case for scaling up/test case for customizations Commercialization ? New Donors: International & National ? Regional PAN L10n Conference, jan. 092
HR Development ◦ Universities can help researchers do NLP coursework ◦ Organization of Summer School like activities by other university partners Regional PAN L10n Conference, jan. 093
Network Design: ◦ Organization under one umbrella: PANL10n ◦ Across countries Research Groups e.g. Urdu – Nepal, Parallel Corpus Project – Tech Training? Content development? Establishment of regional platforms ◦ Online groups ◦ Reviving SAALP (South Asian Association for Language Processing) ◦ South East Asian Association on Lang Processing? ◦ National Associations Regional PAN L10n Conference, jan. 094
Tapping on Asian HR Expertise ◦ Consultants\Resource sharing from within the network re. Tech, Training & Content Regional PAN L10n Conference, jan. 095