{ RUSSIAN-AMERICAN YOUTH ASSOCIATION GENERAL CONCEPT Introduced by: Sergey Gladysh Introduced on: Passed by the Executive Committee: (date) Approved by the Board of Directors: (date) Signed by the President: (date)
To foster the development of friendly and sustainable relations between the Russian Federation and the United States of America, ones based on mutual understanding, respect, and a common interest in a peaceful and multipolar world of the XXI century. MISSION 2
Promote the study of the Russian language, history and culture in schools and universities throughout the United States; Cultivate greater understanding of contemporary Russia through educating young people in the U.S. about the Russian society, its sense of national identity and traditional values, its economic and political structure, and its strategic imperatives, outlook and foreign policy; Connect young people in the United States to unique educational, professional and recreational opportunities in Russia; Establish a lasting bilateral platform for dialogue and cooperation between young leaders and professionals from Russia and the U.S.; Develop an extensive network of friends and partners among individuals, organizations, and companies interested in strengthening ties between Russia and the United States. GOALS 3
GENERAL CONGRESS A gathering of all active RAYA members once every two years PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT Elected once every two years by the General Congress BOARD OF DIRECTORS Comprised of up to 11 members (including President and Vice President), members selected by President, headed by the President EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Comprised of chapter presidents and vice presidents as well as members of the Board, headed by the President ADVISORY BOARD Selected by Board of Directors, approved by Executive Committee CHAPTER PRESIDENTS & VICE PRESIDENTS Elected annually by active chapter members CHAPTER COUNCILS Comprised of up to 7 members (including chapter president and vice president), members selected by the chapter president STRUCTURE 5
The President is the head of the Association, its Board of Directors and Executive Committee The President serves as the guarantor of the RAYA constitution and the protector of the rights and interests of Association members The President adopts measures to promote the mission and goals of the Association and ensure coordinated functioning and interaction among its administrative bodies (Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Chapter Councils). The President determines the guidelines of the internal and external policies of the Association and represents RAYA in the United States, Russia and internationally PRESIDENT 6
The Vice President is the deputy head of the Association, its Board of Directors and Executive Committee The Vice President aids the President in all tasks and monitors the execution of orders and decisions of the President and Board of Directors by the Executive Committee and Chapter Councils The Vice President may assume the role of president until next General Congress in the case that the President is physically or mentally unable to continue carrying out his or her duties, resigns or is removed from office VICE PRESIDENT 7
The Board of Directors is the legal representative of the Association and custodian of its property The Board administers decisions on recruitment, budgetary and information policies of the Association The decisions and orders of the Board are obligatory for fulfillment by all other administrative bodies of the Association and are not valid without the signature of the President BOARD OF DIRECTORS 8
The Executive Committee ensures the implementation of the decisions and orders of the President and the Board The Executive Committee proposes and decides on specific measures to fulfill the mission and goals of the Association The decisions and orders of the Executive Committee are obligatory for fulfillment by all Chapter Councils and are not valid without the signature of the President EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 9
Chapter Councils carry out practical steps to fulfill the mission and goals of the Association and enact the decisions and orders of the President, Board and the Executive Committee Chapter Councils are also responsible for maintaining an updated roster of chapter members, ensuring the collection of contributions, and managing property CHAPTER COUNCILS 10
Official membership in RAYA is restricted to individuals between the ages of 18 and 35 To be listed as an active member an individual must register with a chapter and regularly contribute to the RAYA budget Active members are granted the opportunity to vote, run for office and participate in exclusive events and projects MEMBERS 11
RAYA Chapters are created on the basis of new or existing student groups at universities and/or colleges around the country Each chapter must contribute to the RAYA mission and goals, follow the rules and provisions outlined by the RAYA constitution and take part in the work of the Executive Committee and the General Congress Chapters are granted access to the RAYA budget and may apply for funding of their activities Only the Board of Directors is authorized to grant or terminate chapter status CHAPTERS 12
The RAYA budget consists entirely of contributions made by its members, partners and supporters All contributions to the budget are divided among three funds: the RAYA Development Fund (RDF), RAYA Events Fund (REF), and the RAYA Special Appropriations Fund (RSAF) The RAYA Board of Directors holds sole authority over the distribution and allocation of RAYA funds The RAYA Treasurer is responsible for producing quarterly financial reports and justifying RAYA’s budgetary policy in front of the Executive Committee and the General Congress BUDGET 13
RAYA is to develop and pursue a strategy of acquiring real-estate for especially large and active chapters A RAYA house is to be located within a walking distance of a chapter-hosting college or university and provide a comfortable and cost-effective option for its residents The opportunity to reside in a RAYA house is to be considered both an honor and a privilege and granted to the most dedicated members of the Association HOUSING 14