1 Problems in Cuba Events of the Kennedy Years
2 U.S.-Cuban Relations Spanish-American War Freed Cuba From Spain (1898) U.S. Dominated Cuban Life U.S. Granted Permanent Military Base Western Cuba 1959 Castro Led Communist Revolution in Cuba
3 The Bay of Pigs April 17,1961 CIA Trained and Supported Troops invaded Cuba to Over Through Castro The Cuban Soldiers defeated the Invaders. Many were captured and spent years in jail. Read more
4 Cuban Missile Crisis The conflict between the U.S., Cuba and the Soviet Union grew. The Soviet Union viewed Cuba as its base in the Americas. In return, they became Cuba main economic ally. The Soviet Union supplied Cuba with defensive weapon. In the fall of 1962 the Soviets began offensive weapons.
5 The President and Attorney General Agonize In the White House Garden
6 U.S. Defenses
7 As The Days Passed This Crisis threatened world peace. As the sides faced off each considered the possibility of all out war. Kennedy and Advisers
8 Diplomacy was at its height. UN Meets Kennedy with Soviet Ambassador Gromyco Soviet Ship Carrying Missiles
9 President Kennedy and the USA Prevail HIS CONCLUSION The President Talks to the NationThe President Talks to the Nation. On October 26, 1962 The Soviets agreed to Pulled out their Missiles.