Changes In Cuba Following Revolution Universal Health Care Universal Education Universal Housing Rations supplied by the government.
Political Dissent in Cuba Again, La Mentirita. Batista supporters were summarily executed. The government controlled all media (however, Key West is well within broadcast range). Speaking out against Fidel or the government is forbidden.
Fidelista Firing Squad
Embargo Eisenhower (Ike) is upset, begins the early embargo. Raul pushes for asking USSR for assistance economically and militarily. The USSR would soon be supplying 70% of goods imported to Cuba.
American Automobiles
Russian Support
Bay of Pigs April of 1961, 1400 Cuban exiles, trained by the CIA, attempted an invasion from south of Havana, the Bay of Pigs. Initially successful.
Bay of Pigs (cont.) Fidel realized that they might have gained a foothold, but quickly dispatched the Cuban Army before they could become more successful. After capture, many were executed, but most (1,100) were exchanged for goods from the US.
Cuban Missile Crisis AQB1sA9k AQB1sA9k
Mariel Boat Lift 1980 Jimmy Carter and Fidel agreed that anyone who wanted to would be allowed to leave Cuba for the US. Fidel used this opportunity to empty jails and mental health wards, sending them to Miami. Scarface emerged from this phenomenon.
“Special Period” Soviet Union Collapses, leaving Cuba without friends. Food was scarce, repair of machinery quite difficult. Soviet era technology dropped into significant disrepair.
Final Project: In terms of what we have covered over the last week, complete a “Current Event” surrounding Cuba. Using what you now know, reflect upon historical connections that impact modern Cuba, in terms of your CE.