Fakebook John Fitzgerald Kennedy View photos of John F. Kennedy John F. Kennedy Wall Info #ParadeLove Write something… Share Information Presidential Number: 35 Political Party: Democrat State Elected From: Massachusetts Dates of Presidency: Vice President(s):Lyndon Baines Johnseon January 20, 1961 was inaugurated today Image June 03, 1961 had a peace talk with Nikita S. Khrushchev April 15, April 20, 1961 sponsored invasion of Cuba “bay of pigs” May 25, 1961 promised to land a man on the moon November 22, 1963 on my way to the parade!!! March 01, 1961 created peace corps
Personal Information Fakebook Wall Info Basic Information Following Birthday: May 29, 1917 Hometown: Brookline, Massachusetts Relationship Status: Married to Jacqueline Kennedy Family Members: Jacqueline Kennedy, Joseph Patrick Kennedy, Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald Kennedy Education: Harvard Activities/Interests:Reading, swimming Pets: Ponies Previous Jobs Journalist, author Fun Facts Image President’s Name Image Words weekly Swimmers illustrated Parades parades parades Ponies informer Image Can speak 350 words a minute Can read 1200 words a minute Published a book on how England was unprepared for war Diagnosed with a rare disorder called “Addisons disease”
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